True loneliness, false freedom!

Angie 2022-11-23 13:31:03

Each character is deeply involved in positive and negative arguments, positive truth (loneliness), and reverse hypocrisy (freedom). Under the pain of disfigurement (a man and a woman, a husband and a woman with a disfigured half of his face), there is a "self" destroyed by his face, while under the intact face (a woman and a man, a wife and a doctor), there is a "self" that is swallowed up by hypocrisy self". Under the face of (husband) that covers up flaws, there is a kind of fantasy self-existence, a kind of parasitic self-existence, a kind of parasitic society, mutual hypocrisy to cover up the real apparent freedom, under the wife's bright face covered by cosmetics, What is released is a fear of true loneliness, both of which are the unsolvable suffering of despair! And the doctor demonstrates the change and control of the face over people by changing the face of the husband. This is the core of the film... In addition, whether it is the woman who is deeply disfigured and died of despair without confidence, or she The weak lover witnessing the death of the woman seems to have witnessed the meaning of the face to human existence, while the daughter of the administrator, who is called the mentally handicapped, lives a simple and real life without wisdom and survival skins! The edict Kawara Hiroshi separated the characters from multiple roles, but in fact it was just the multiple dilemmas under the skin of human survival, just like the panic of the husband at the end of the hypocritical face, is it not the panic of survival. Human beings live under different masks, terrified of the loneliness and hypocrisy of the self, only the real, rejected by the world, the self cannot find the meaning of the completely real self existence in the heart... It is deprived by society, Deprived of loved ones and friends, and rejected by self! The hypocrisy living in the eyes of the world gives meaning to the truth hidden under the hypocrisy. To a certain extent, we all wear the "face of others", and we are all In the movie, the wife who is trapped in her bright and beautiful appearance is a woman who has lost half of her face and lost her emotions and self-confidence. She is a cowardly man who does not dare to face the festering skin of her love. The doctor who survives is the daughter of an administrator who has no IQ but lives comfortably, but who are we? Where is the truth? There is no answer... Perhaps only the loneliness in solitude is our true nature, but we are both afraid and disgusted, we dare not accept this kind of isolation from the world and face the fear of self-existence! This experimental work is very contemporary because everyone is questioning, who am I? What am I living for? Why am I so terrified of living? 85 points for video, 95 points for script, 90 points for director, 90 points for performance, 90 points for innovation, 90 points for works, 0.9 points for content coefficient, 81 points for film history

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The Face of Another quotes

  • [first lines]

    Psychiatrist: Recognize these? You know what they are? You don't, do you?

  • Psychiatrist: Sadly, this is not only a finger. It's an inferiority complex in the shape of a finger. It's not that I specialize in treating fingers. I'm a psychiatrist, in fact. Inferiority complexes dig holes in the psyche, and I fill them in.