mask tag

Kiarra 2022-10-19 21:06:03

A mask is like a label. After losing these labels, a person seems to have lost himself. When he finds another label, he seems to have gained freedom, but he is actually more lonely. The label that does not belong to himself is only a stranger to himself. As said in the movie, he is not alone. The last scene where many people wear masks is a classic. Who doesn't live with masks (labels)? How many people really dare to face themselves? Let's see how much we value these labels and external things in life and ignore what is really valuable. Until the end, the mask becomes one with the person. People don't want to leave the mask anymore. When people face themselves, When I am a stranger
, I think my neck is an open space, but my face has become an unavoidable window to the soul, which in turn corrodes the soul. - "The Face of Others"

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The Face of Another quotes

  • [first lines]

    Psychiatrist: Recognize these? You know what they are? You don't, do you?

  • Psychiatrist: Sadly, this is not only a finger. It's an inferiority complex in the shape of a finger. It's not that I specialize in treating fingers. I'm a psychiatrist, in fact. Inferiority complexes dig holes in the psyche, and I fill them in.