body and soul

Jaunita 2022-09-04 09:45:53

Humans are just animals, controlled by desires.
In order to ensure safety, various rules are set to eliminate some animal nature and original sin.
Wear a mask to create a real world of nothingness. The world of supply and demand masks themselves only by demand.
The general outline of desire is matter + sex.
The disfigured man deeply feels the world of nothingness, the world is fantasy, possibility, communality, such as the possibility of having sex with a secretary, although he doesn't do this kind of thing, but the possibility of satisfying desires is our life.
Soul, such a thing, no. That's fantasy. Given in the most barren times shows, hominid gregarious, curious, surviving. Nowadays, a lot of science is woven, and different survival rules seem to be changing in the world. In fact, it only meets favorable conditions. Reason, morality, gain of benefits, development and production cannot change that man is just a creature with high IQ.
If you have someone else, you will exist. If you lose a face, you will be afraid of your own disappearance. If you get a face that doesn't belong to you, you will be annoyed at yourself being replaced, and then quickly escape yourself. Just like telling a lie, you can get promoted.
War will free yourself from personal hell, courtship forces oneself to wear a mask.
It was the elder brother who "killed" the scar sister. His kiss was quite vicious and pierced through the hell of the sister. If it was a lover's kiss, it would be the opposite, and it would be the most comfortable comfort. sea.
The protagonist of the mask should have said to the doctor, this mask can't be returned to you, I don't want to admire my ugly face alone, let me put on a mask and mess up my life among this group of people, I will also be like an ordinary person Just as happy, no, I'm happier than them, so I'll give you the answer, that's why I can kill you without hesitation, you know the answer, doctor.

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The Face of Another quotes

  • [first lines]

    Psychiatrist: Recognize these? You know what they are? You don't, do you?

  • Psychiatrist: Sadly, this is not only a finger. It's an inferiority complex in the shape of a finger. It's not that I specialize in treating fingers. I'm a psychiatrist, in fact. Inferiority complexes dig holes in the psyche, and I fill them in.