brief tenderness

Karl 2022-12-30 06:17:52

Ps: Writing a film review is more active than writing a paper. Recently, I have a great desire to express myself. Maybe I used to talk too much, and I finished speaking, so I don’t have much to write about. Recently, my thoughts are all spinning in my head. Why only one plug, either to the heater or to the computer, then endure the cold and use the computer.

I watched "Fusi" just because I wanted to see a love movie, Nordic style.

I was very moved when I saw it, and it fits my current state of mind. Everything is silent, live silently, do anything silently, face ridicule silently, face bullying by colleagues silently, take care of a girl silently, help her go to work silently, play with children silently, silently Misunderstood by the little girl's father, moved silently, moved home silently with grievances, went to paint the flower shop silently, and traveled alone in silence. It seems that this is the normal state of life, all the excitement is attributed to silence, in fact, there is nothing. The silence comes naturally, unlike some literary and artistic films, where there is a long silence, just waiting there, the silence here is always mixed with action, taking a few steps slowly, So it doesn't seem like the silence is too long.

Fusi is not a saint, and will resist bullying that his colleagues can't bear. Loving someone and wanting to be unconditional to her is never the act of a saint. He will cook for her when she is depressed, help her to go to work, apologize when she quarrels with her, back off silently when she regrets, help her realize her dream of a flower shop, and go on a trip abroad last alone, maybe This is also because they had planned a trip to Egypt together. When the intimacy is no longer there, doing everything that was discussed or planned by one person is like a kind of nostalgia. Even if there is no longer contact, the heart is too far apart. Doing everything that was planned seems to be closer to the person at that time, like having a conversation in the air, and now I am alone, saying "I did it" to the couple who were snuggling together at that time.

This movie is really in line with life. One second heaven, about to move into girlfriend's house, one second hell, girlfriend crying "maybe I'm not ready". What can I say, "Everything is fleeting, nothing is permanent", not being sad or liking the image is the attitude that life should be prepared for. Too many know that the happiest thing at that moment will be converted into the most painful sword in the future. What can I say, Fusi can only tentatively ask "Do you need me to move things back?", many things don't need to be so straightforward, always the first half of the sentence, plus the second half of the emotions, everyone understands , it's all over. Adults can accept calmly no matter how bad the situation is, "Well, okay" "It's Okay" "It's Life" to go out, it is still good weather.

Wouldn't it be better not to meet this relationship than to experience the pain after losing it? Without meeting this girl, this life may be just like the previous years, it is still a waste, even if it is still a blank, it is also a blank after the loss. It seems that everything is the same, or sand table, mother, in fact, everything is different.

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