To be honest, not satisfied.

Isom 2022-12-26 06:30:08

The spoilers are serious, and the complaints are a bit sharp. If you don't like it, it is recommended to quit immediately.

One star for painting, one star for seiyuu, and one star for myself, I actually spent 60 to go to the nearest theater to watch the VIP hall despite the heavy rain.

The plot is badly wounded. The logic is extremely imprecise, the whole drama is played, and the complaints are full of brains. The painting of the final battle scene made my blood pour out in less than 30 seconds by the unreasonable abuse of Uncle Europe. . .

Not to mention the extremely dramatic encounters of the little heroes on the island. The heroine of the theater version, I must say that she is really cruel.

Even if an untrained scientific researcher with no personality can climb 30 floors in one breath, it will give you seamless connections and triathlons plus long-distance running! I can see it in my heart! How awesome is this? I really adore it.

The IQ of the son and daughter owner's father's IQ has to be said to be really suffocating. You tell me about such a great inventor, creator, scientist. How could he come up with such a nasty trick as hiring an enemy to steal something? Are you buying a murderer? The funniest thing is that he actually made the enemy turn against the water. I am overjoyed and admire it!

The strength setting of the final battle stage is too unreasonable, I can't even complain, I just want to ask you seriously? Just abusing Uncle Ou like this? The thing that Dejiu could crush with one punch almost crushed Uncle Ou? are you kidding me? ? ? Is your strength setting the little hero in my mind? Dragon Ball next door?

Anyway, this theatrical version is very incomplete. Don't talk nonsense if you are hot-blooded, a theatrical version is full of logical loopholes. What is the difference between this and domestic garbage? ? This is not the theatrical version I want to see. I won't spend this money again next time, I will charge video website members and wait for the online version in the future.

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