【Tang Mosi Film Review】Father and Oedipus Complex and Atheism

Beulah 2022-12-26 13:34:14

【Tang Mosi Film Review】Father and Oedipus Complex and Atheism

The Cace for Christ 2017

Director: Jon Gunn

Writers: Brian Bird (screenplay), Lee Strobel (book)

The Taiwanese translation of the film is "Christian Event Book", which is more accurate than this "Retrial". The film is based on the book of the same name by apologetic author Ristrobe. It tells the story of the author, who used his investigative skills to track key events in the Christian faith while working as an investigative reporter for a newspaper, and grew from an atheist to a Christian. Books and movies are written based on his personal experiences and mental journeys.

One of the episodes that caught my attention the most was when the author interviewed Dr. Roberta Waters, president of the American Association of Psychoanalysts, and asked her if the 500 people who had witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ were the result of hallucinations of mass hysteria. .

The psychologist told him that whether it is collective hysteria or hypnotism, it can at most stimulate individual behaviors such as screaming and calling, but it will not collectively have the same dream. If so, it would be a greater miracle than the resurrection of Jesus.

(hallucinations are like dreams. They happen in individual minds. They don't spread like the common cold. To be honest, that would be an even bigger miracle than the Resurrection itself.)

Just when the author was disappointed to leave, the expert asked him about his relationship with his father.

There have been foreshadowings of a father-son dispute before the movie. As you can imagine, it can't be considered good. Indifferent to each other, there is a sense of distance, similar to the father-son relationship of most Orientals: (Distant, cold, doesn't give much affirmation or express love?)

Next, the expert said a paragraph that shocked me from the movie:

(as a skeptic, you're familiar with history's great names in atheism: Hume, Nietzsche, Sartre, Freud.

Of course, yes. Some of my greatest heroes.

Did you know that all of them had a father who either died when they were young, abandoned them, was physically or emotionally abusive? In the world of therapy, it's called a father wound.)

The reason why I feel shocked is because it immediately reminds me of the tradition of Oedipus and hatred of the father of the giant baby nation.

There is a saying in the Eastern folk saying, "I would rather beg a mother than be an official". The official father is usually regarded as Chen Shimei without exception. When the biological mother is old, she will abandon her wife and marry another, and then there is a saying that "a child with a mother is like a treasure, and a child without a mother is like a grass", and the target is still the father. Even in this modern age where family and marriage relationships are already fragile, motherhood is still a paramount word when it comes to social phenomena or a metaphor for political loyalty.

The reverse is also true: as I mentioned when discussing women's rights in my early years, the sanctity of mothers is even reflected in the so-called "national scolding". Because insulting the most sacred thing in my heart undoubtedly adds insult and viciousness to the rant. This is probably rare in other languages. At least, in Western languages ​​such as English, swearing is precisely related to belief.

I still remember doing a similar homework in the past, discussing the traditions of the West, whether Zeus or Yahweh, without exception, were male figures.

In the mythology of the eastern land, in addition to the gender-unknown "Pangu", the more mentioned creation god is "Nuwa".

The conclusion that can be drawn is that the West is not so old and therefore has been patriarchal from the very beginning. Or the alternation of generations, in the process of changing from the maternal line to the paternal line. Unlike oriental myths that clearly come from matriarchal societies. It's still grandma's world.

The more important difference is probably the so-called "killing the father" expressed in the myth of Zeus and Oedipus' complex of "marrying the mother".

These outrageous behaviors are unheard of in the history of the East (in fact, they should have been obscured by the Spring and Autumn Songs of Confucius Shiqian). Even today, I am afraid it is still appalling.

Because this is the psychological weaning process. In other words, the eastern traditions that have not undergone this process are still attached to their mothers and breast milk, so they will never grow up. After a thousand years, they will eventually become "giant babies" that shock the world.

In that old article, I also mentioned that Jin Yong's Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu were a typical Oedipus relationship. Even the title is "Auntie". In order to weaken her aura of the Virgin, Jin Yong even did not hesitate to let the little Taoist sully her. It's very ruthless.

Back to this movie. The expert described to the author that the academic celebrities she mentioned all have the so-called "a father wound" without exception. I don't know if there is a Chinese equivalent. Literally means "father's injury", which probably refers to the fact that young children cannot get father's love, so they have a rebellious mentality, do not believe in authority, and even hate authority. As an adult, I tend to be inclined towards this attitude of questioning and even challenging authority.

The emergence of atheism is actually related to this?

Could it be that the spirit of pragmatism and rationality in the Eastern Tutu tradition also has a psychological relationship with this phenomenon?

In fact, on this list, I can also add Eugene O'Neal, whom I am familiar with. He doubted God directly because of his father's indifference to his mother and his indifference to his children, until he left the East and wanted to find a substitute for God in the East. All of his creations testify to this difficult process.

In the end, he tried to replace God with the "Tao" of the East, but it was a system that was famous for being feminine and weak as women outnumbered men.

Really meaningful!

Weaning can be a traumatic experience for young children. Whether or not they can bear this kind of pain is probably the difference between two different people.

Pushkin said that a hammer could shatter glass or forge a steel sword. It is such a tempering.

According to the analysis of psychologists, those who receive father's love can continue this kind of father's love in the Christian faith of fatherhood. The Christian church is built with "Abba Father" as the core. Pope Pope means "Abba".

Interestingly, the person who finally touched the actor in the movie turned out to be his father, who seemed indifferent on the surface, but had always loved himself deeply and was proud of his academic and career achievements. As an investigative reporter who prides himself on respecting science and is as calm as a judge in the face of facts, the last straw that really broke his atheism beliefs was the truth of his feelings: after he had obtained all the facts about Jesus, he learned of his late father true love for yourself.

Weaning pains produce different results in different people. "Father injury" will make people rebel against authority from now on. Atheism is essentially anti-traditional and anti-social. Of course, there are various forms of expression. It may not be so easy to identify the root cause behind it.

Movie box office is good. It's just that it's still more or less at the superficial level of apologetics. Want to rely on scientific evidence to persuade a population whose values ​​are increasingly divided.

Instead I agree with Pope John Paul II's assertion: Jesus is the Incarnate Word-a single and indivisible person. One cannot separate Jesus from the Christ or speak of a "Jesus of history" who would differ from the "Christ of faith" ." The Church acknowledges and confesses Jesus as "the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Mt 16:16): Christ is none other than Jesus of Nazareth: he is the Word of God made man for the salvation of all. In Christ "the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily" (Col 2:9) and "from his fullness have we all received" (Jn 1:16).

That is to say, "Jesus of Nazareth" as "Jesus of history" does not rely on scientific evidence to support certification. The presence or absence of such evidence depicted in the film does not affect our beliefs.

The tradition of giant babies in the East mentioned above is deeply embedded in the social structure. There seems to be more to say here.

In my old article "Said the Emperor", I discussed the relationship between the "concession system" and the matriarchal society. Decide that the transfer of power in this way has nothing to do with fairness and goodness. It just reflects that there is no concept of blood kinship in matrilineal society. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you give your children to anyone.

Society evolves to patrilineal in order to ensure pure blood. Once the male lion seen in the animal world has a lion, it will kill all the evil species of the old lion king. Human society may have gone through the same process. What kind of harem, three thousand three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines, etc., it's just a whole group of lions. The establishment of eunuchs and eunuchs was not abolished until the fall of the Manchu Dynasty. Isn't the purpose to ensure pure blood? The jungle system and jungle value of the historical reality of Eastern Tutu are truly unique in the world. It's really not something that Occidental culture can match.

When the Qin government began and the era was established, there was also the idea of ​​restoring the "concession system", but it was resisted and opposed by the courtiers. Looking at this resistance from a modern perspective, it may be that courtiers would rather establish a reliable system of power replacement so that the monarch and director can do whatever he likes or dislikes. Because the courtiers realized from the daily life of admiring people that there is no procedural justice, no matter what kind of good wishes will be crushed to smash by the despicableness of human nature.

The primogeniture system has always been highly praised by the academic circles. It is believed that the emergence of the Occidental Third Estate is directly related to this system. There existed in the history of Dongtu, but the implementation was not strict, so there is a saying that the fifth generation of the gentleman was killed or even rich but not three generations. On the surface, a system that does not seem to be harmful, because of the lack of monotheism, it is impossible to evolve a sustainable system model from it.

As for the so-called "New Confucianism" supported by the tyrant group, they are currently advocating the so-called "selection of virtuous and capable" method of power replacement. In fact, literally, no one would disagree. But the devil is in the details. Just ask a little, what is "Xian"? What is "can"? Who sets the standard? And more importantly, "who" can be qualified to "choose", and so on. The difference between a concession system and a modern democratically elected system becomes clear at a glance.


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The Case for Christ quotes

  • Lee Strobel: Lee Strobel- Okay God, you win

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