Spoiler alert! ! ! ) Zombie Indianization

Libby 2022-11-12 11:22:45

Although being a zombie movie gave me a little fun on this boring Sunday night, after watching it, I felt like I wasted four hours (less than) of my life. Then I was doing other things when I saw it, so I might have missed some details, or it might have a deviation from the original content of the plot, which is my main feeling.

The first is that this zombie is Indianized. The setting of zombies is very magical. It can not only obey instructions but also control brain waves. The most important thing is that the zombies have always had a persistent goal of abducting the little girl. This is very magical, and this setting is also very magical. Why is it that you are all zombies and all your actions are so smart just to kidnap the little girl? ? ?

Then there is the character setting. It must be affirmed that there are still bright spots in the female characters. My favorite villager elder sister is courageous and resourceful. Hands up and down the knife to solve. At the same time, the eldest brother on the opposite side looked at his cousin who had mutated into that ghost, and said, "I'm sorry for my aunt," and became speechless in contrast. The female officer was originally an awesome character, otherwise she was mentally controlled because everything else was mutated, indicating that this woman is a great [thumbs]. Of course, what she did will not be judged. In the end, the lieutenant's sister was also heroic and valiant. I believed in my teammates, made a decisive decision, and handled it clearly. It's a pity that she died so miserably in the end.

On the contrary, there are male characters. The screenwriter is a female writer. It is not easy to portray every male character so annoying. Either he betrayed his daughter for his own benefit, or he had the halo of the protagonist but always fell into inexplicable memories, or the male protagonist who deserted and was controlled by others, or was his cousin who was doing things and chirping, I don't believe that, I don't believe that the person who died in a hurry actually survived.

But to be honest, the picture is too dark, and the costumes are too similar. I didn't know how many people there were at the end, and who the military men were...

There is also too much zombie shape? ? ? Come on, red eyes, British military uniforms, and the few remaining hairs (the British are vaguely connoted), shrinking to be a Yiwu zombie toy, right? When a group of zombies were piled together, the outer ones were jumping on the spot to make soy sauce, it looked like a pile of toys were put together. On the contrary, the piece that the little girl's mother climbed out of has a lot of Indian zombie flavor. The zombie setting of the whole play is a little more local and tastes better.

Then there is the drama. The plot is really, I don't know how to say it, it's too speechless. It is said that several lines are pushing together, but if they are all unclear, the chaos continues. I didn't realize until the end that I was walking according to these myths and prophecies, so what are the things that were being talked about in front of me? In the end, the ending is also very strong to create the feeling of a sequel, as if I saw an Indian version of Busan, or a busan in an Indian ghost film coat. To be honest, with this idea, it is better to make an Indian ghost film. Handy.

Damn, speaking of the atmosphere of the first episode, the atmosphere of the tunnel before the zombies came out was not bad. I was waiting for the zombies with great anticipation when my dad passed by jumped. Later, I found out that this was the only time in the whole play Scared [My dad Feng Ping was murdered] [No.

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