great same-sex love

Evangeline 2022-11-12 21:47:52

The twists and turns, originally very boring, chattering descriptions, dark scenes, boring killing games, just because the last black and white same-sex love has been covered up, the details are delicate, and one white hides all the ugly, especially the last sentence. Impressed "I don't regret having you", and I have to be amazed. The ending of a prickly cocoon is worth most of the bad movies. Although it is extreme, it finally makes it clear that there is still true selfless love in this world, even if it is Not normal, can't say no.

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The Killing Gene quotes

  • [last lines]

    Eddie Argo: [as Jean goes to slit his throat] I'm... so... scared

  • [last lines]

    Daniel Leone: [to on looking cops staring at him hugging Eddie] What The FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT?

    [covers a naked Eddie with a blanket]