He said he loves you after the fight, do you believe it?

May 2022-07-20 18:06:49

Starting with a map, how many roads does a person have to travel in his life? Is it like the earth, which rotates around the sun called "home" while it rotates?

That kind of soul-pulling pull that gives us great protection while also empowering us to hurt you.

kidnapping in the name of love

Not everyone experiences domestic violence, and not everyone who experiences domestic violence will fight back. This kind of survivorship bias makes most people think that the focus of "domestic violence" is not the word "violence".

One second he says he loves you, the next he punches and kicks you.

As a result, too many people choose to believe, believe in stereotypes, and believe in lies that come out of nowhere and "swear".

"Every man who hits a woman has a pair of knees that will kneel."

After experiencing violence, apology, violence, apology again and again... in the cycle, the parties may be tired, they may choose to give up, they may lose their confidence in life, or they may exchange their own life with violence... whatever Whatever the outcome, it will not be a good outcome.

Violence is not the victim's fault

A piece of entertainment news at the end of last year occupied the headlines for several days. The woman was violently treated in an intimate relationship. Due to the star status of the client, "domestic violence" once became a hot topic.

Aside from the high attention of the client, emotional factors cannot be the reason for violence, and no one should be treated with violence.

South Korean movie "Empty Room" stills

In the United States, an average of 5 million women suffer from domestic violence every year. In New York alone, the local police receive an average of 700 calls per day related to domestic violence; in India, nearly 30% of wives have suffered from their husbands. However, What is puzzling is that some of them admit that they were beaten; in China, on average, a woman is domestically abused every 7 seconds, and the victim will only choose to report to the police after suffering an average of 35 domestic violence... In France, which is famous all over the world for its "romance", 500,000 women are beaten by their husbands every year, and a tragic death due to domestic violence occurs every three days on average.

Domestic Violence Map

But these bloody samples are just averages.

Director Xavier Legrand was shocked by his native France, a country known for its "romance", where tragedies occur every day. He used the lens to expose a crime - "domestic violence".

"Lost at the End" (2013) is his first short film. It has been screened in over 100 international film festivals, nominated for the Oscar for Best Short Feature, and won the 2014 Caesar Award for Best Short Film.

Left: French version poster of "Lost at the End" Right: Chinese version poster of "Guardianship"

"Guardianship" (2017), which was released in China on June 21, was expanded on the basis of his debut short film, and was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Venice Film Festival in September of that year, not only won the "Debut" for his debut film. "Future Lion Award" and won the best director award in one fell swoop.

Director Xavier Legrand

Domestic violence hurts more than once

"The heart of a wounded child shrinks to this: hard as a peach pit and grooves all through life." - Carson McCuller

When the director heard that some women judged whether they would be violent that night by hearing their husband's key inserted into the door lock every day, he was shocked and also made it clear that his work should not show bloody violence, but should Demonstrate a persistent fear.

The film "Guardianship" expands the character relationship of "Lost at the End" and continues the previous shooting style. A lot of subjective perspectives and long shots bring a feeling of "I'm not watching a movie, I'm watching real life".

The story of the feature film takes place after the short film, and the mother Miriam finally chooses to sue after being abused by her husband more than once.

In the short film, Miriam's injuries are shown naked in front of colleagues when changing work clothes, and the injuries suffered by her children Julien and Josephine are conveyed to the audience through hysterical yelling and silent crying.

In "Lost at the End", Miriam's colleague asked the youngest son Julien what his father usually does. He said: He likes hunting, and he usually takes his dog Sally to hunt with him. The dog likes it very much because it keeps barking. What he said later shocked his colleagues and silenced them.

"Even when Dad pointed a gun at Mom, she (the dog) kept barking"

In the later work "Guardianship", the judge said a paragraph to silence Xiaodao: the harm caused by domestic violence is never once.

The violent injury of the father and the secondary injury to the son Julien and the daughter Josephine by the mother who was also a victim and appeared as a protector forcibly inflicted the shadow on the child's heart that cannot be erased.

The barking at the end of "Lost at the End" once pushed the atmosphere of the film to a climax, and the last rush is just an instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

In "Guardianship", the same running plot has the urgency of catching up. Son Julien and father Antoine play opposite each other, using non-violent images to describe a gruesome domestic violence.

The hearts of every victim in the film are covered in bruises, but there is no drop of blood, no direct physical conflict, and no footage of violence can be found. In this film, there is no music to set off the atmosphere. The director uses the sense of space to bring the viewers infinite reverie, turning the scary reality into the air pressure and heartbeat of the film.

If the emotional outburst needs a finishing touch, it is best to describe it from the perspective of a bystander.

What do we peek through the pores? Is it someone else or another parallel world of yourself?

That gunshot was the beginning, and the hole left was the end. The story is locked in the door, and life goes on outside the door.

"Guardianship" Promotion Ambassador Feng Yuanzheng

According to incomplete statistics, in 2015, 124 countries around the world have criminalized domestic violence.

The recent frequent news has brought domestic violence to the surface. It is not far from us. It is linked to thousands of families. Deformed love produces irreversible pain.

There may be a last resort for silence, but don't take violence for granted and don't make your home a dangerous place.


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