"Dance Strike" Review

Makayla 2022-10-22 18:38:13

I have absolutely no resistance to this kind of dance movie. It's different from the dance movies I've seen before, Indian or American... This one also highlights the music, the male protagonist can't live without music, and they finally participate The competition is a main music and dance competition. I forgot the name of the competition. I will watch it again when I have a chance. The violin is the protagonist, and the dance is the supporting role. But dance is born from music, but the two are inseparable, both are a way for people to express their emotions!

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High Strung quotes

  • Johnnie: [Dancing tango] Yes, I've been humble since our last meeting which I want to apologize for.

    Ruby: You don't have to do that; I was being pushy, when I don't even know you.

    Johnnie: [Pulls her close] Do you want to?