love is crazy

Kole 2022-12-29 22:52:24

First, the obsession with what you love. Especially when the heroine persuaded her roommate to say don't forget who you are, dancer, just be a dancer. Everyone has their own label, what is the first label you define yourself. Have you ever been crazy about persistence and dedication? Second, immersed in the romantic emotional atmosphere of the male and female protagonists, they cannot extricate themselves. Especially when the female protagonist sees the male protagonist for the first time and the two people meet each other, it is very moving. Third, the candid enthusiasm revealed in the character film. When the heroine met her roommate for the first time, the enthusiasm of the heroine, the directness of the heroine's suggestion to the male protagonist to participate in the competition, all touched me. Maybe the more you miss something, the more you care about it. When you can be less restrained and less tense, you can be more self-conscious. Why didn't I give five stars, I think the plot actors are all great. The only dance is not particularly beautiful, it does not make me feel as shocked as dancing my life.

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High Strung quotes

  • Johnnie: [Dancing tango] Yes, I've been humble since our last meeting which I want to apologize for.

    Ruby: You don't have to do that; I was being pushy, when I don't even know you.

    Johnnie: [Pulls her close] Do you want to?