
Lou 2022-07-10 14:12:30

I actually don't think this movie is interesting, really.
Mainly because there is nothing new, nothing new has been shot.
People all over the world know that Afghan women are in dire straits, so I don't need you to repeat it.
The little girl, the one named Osama, looked very much like Natalie when she was a child, except that there was a shallow scar on the left side of her forehead. She looks so pretty.
The film is not long, it is over in an hour and a dozen minutes, which suits me very well. For a movie of more than two hours, I usually get sleepy halfway through watching it, and I have to press pause and then take a break. I don't like watching movies intermittently, but I can't help it.
In the beginning, the boy kisses the banknotes, the dollars. Women march, march in muslim robes, the Taliban come, they run, guns go off, water cannons shoot far away. The camera is very shaky, I thought, this is not a documentary.
The girl's father died in battle, the widow's mother and grandmother, all three women in the family, starved to death without a job.
Grandma told her a story. Once upon a time, there was a man, a man, who had to work every day. He was very tired. One day, he didn’t want to do it anymore. He was too tired from work. He wanted to become a woman. He prayed to God. , the wise man said, you walk under the rainbow, you can become a woman...
walk under the rainbow.
Grandma cut the girl's hair, and the pigtail she cut was buried in the flowerpot. , still to grow.
She became a boy, worked, and was caught to learn how to be a holy warrior and how a boy should clean his genitals.
She couldn't even climb down a tree, she could climb up, but she couldn't come down.
Her voice, her hands, her always wounded and bleeding feet... how could she possibly hide her identity as a girl.
She was always crying, crying non-stop. This girl is so cowardly, she can only cry and call her mother.
But, besides crying, what else can she do?
She was found, she was arrested, there were many women in prison, and the foreign doctor.
A meeting, a meeting, a murderous meeting.
The Taliban shouted from above that these people have committed crimes and should be put to death.
A western man, walking leisurely, asked the Taliban fighters carrying guns if there was any fire. The way he smokes is so pretty.
He was the photographer who shot the parade at the beginning, a few shots were fired, and he was executed.
Then, it was the female doctor, "Stone her to death!"
"But what about the witnesses? What about the testimony?" the man below whispered.
Finally, there is Osama.
The merciful judge pardoned the little girl in disguise and sentenced her to the old man as his wife.
She was taken away, still crying.
The old man's house is very large, with many wives and children.
Several women dressed her in wedding dresses, made up, cursed the damn Taliban, and hurt the man they lost their virginity.
But what can they do?
The old man smiled at her and said, you pick, just pick one. In his hand, he held a large series of locks, all kinds of locks. His women are in different rooms, with different locks. He laughs, oh, you don't like any of this, so I've got this for you - then, take out the biggest one.
The old man looked at her, followed her, and climbed the ladder under the house prepared for her step by step.
The old man really likes to be clean. Under the moonlight, he slowly sinks into the water to wash himself and his genitals.

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