One touch I can see things

Chaim 2022-07-08 23:27:37

This story is not new, the work of Steven King in 1979 was remade into a movie in 1983. But this show, which has already reached its fourth season, is still very watchable. The performance of the protagonist Anthony Michael Hall is remarkable. As a Psychic, every time he touches a key object or character, he will feel and even suffer together as if he entered a virtual reality system. Of course, he is also one of the producers, and he must put a lot of thought into this episode. Every time the story has a new perspective, unlike the similar superpower film Medium, which only has a fixed formula. Sometimes, we see the future, but whether the future will develop according to such a process is always a mystery, which makes people feel that "one pulls the whole body". What I like about this show is that, after watching it too much, you will feel that John Smith's superpower will really be an ability that will be developed by human beings, rather than a fiction. He may live around us. The screenwriter digs deeper into the various possibilities brought about by this ability, rather than simply listing various fairy-like abilities. (In no way belittling the 4400 and Heroes I'm looking at at the same time.)

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Extended Reading

The Dead Zone quotes

  • Conrad: [talking about Sara] She's still got feelings for you.

    Johnny Smith: Why do you say that?

    Conrad: C'mon, what kind of psychic are you?

  • Dana Bright: Johnny Smith. You had to go and piss off Mayberry.