Dogs and veterans are not the point

Easton 2022-09-06 06:34:32

The film neither exaggerates the sadness of the dog's owner after the death of the dog, nor does the public expect the old man to avenge the dog so fiercely and hotly, so the dog and the veteran are not the focus!

In the film, the only requirement of the veteran for the three problem teenagers is to apologize and admit their mistakes, expressing strong concern about the parents of the teenagers improperly educating and guiding their children. In the film, the veteran tells the female reporter about the serious disaster caused by his eldest son's criminal behavior to the whole family, which is the finishing touch to the theme of the film-the harm to society of juvenile crime!

The film also uses multiple bloody cuts and the veteran's pain for the two dead children to express the concerns of juvenile delinquency for the self-injury of young people. As for the disadvantaged groups and the absence of laws in real life, that is a digression.

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Red quotes

  • Mrs. McCormack: Why are you doing this to us?

    Avery Ludlow: I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm afraid you've got that wrong, ma'am. About who's done what to who.

  • Danny: You're fucking crazy.

    Avery Ludlow: In that case, you better do as I tell you, hadn't you?