If you haven't experienced despair, you don't know what hope is!

Christy 2022-01-22 08:01:59

The sweetness that is well-known by the world is based on the unbearable memories, fermented with a heart-piercing dedication to love; there is also a cold and dark corner next to the warm house. A longing for temperature, sunshine and spring, and the tireless pursuit of sweetness! Created together! ! An ugly old woman who has never been a mother has the love of motherhood! She has her own polite, reserved and stubborn, and she is also lovely! ! One step at a time is light and neat, and every time I look back, I have nostalgia for the hope that was in front of me, and love for this world! ! She has gone through the vicissitudes of life, experienced the hardships of life, was discriminated and abandoned by everyone, and while loving all creatures, she also lived out a true self! There are countless tears, and the words are stopped. The whole film is like a male protagonist. It just doesn't break out, just presses that tone! It is the most painful experience to be the one you, the one who can’t cry and don’t understand! Except for the bird in the whole film, none of them can be released to the fullest! Only the last man’s hawking...The hope and love in the eyes, and the change of temperament from the inside out all tell everyone that life is freedom! ! !

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.