A wandering without motivation

Kathryne 2022-01-18 08:02:30

Once, Mona almost stopped. The man with kind eyes in her mouth said: If you want, you can stay and I will take care of you. At the dining table, Mona stroked her scratched hand, perhaps a trace of sympathy for herself rose in her heart.

After negotiating with her companion to no avail, he calmly sent her away. Mona was furious, but she also looked like she had expected. For a brief shot, Mona had tears in her eyes.

She placed herself in the wilderness, in a ruined house, in a tent, and walked on a road that didn't know where to lead.

I don't like the translation of "The End of the World", the director has no intention of putting this wandering under judgment.

Mona shouted to the shepherd who was a professor of philosophy: "Fuck your mother's philosophy." It's also like shouting to everyone who thinks about her, including those she meets, as well as the audience whose appearance is fascinating. After philosophical and ethical positioning, the shepherd chose this path of compromise between loneliness and freedom. Without departing from the social order, he has his own evaluation system and weighing weights.

As for Mona, I don't know. All she knew was that she threw herself to nature and treated her body violently and savagely.

She does odd jobs, such as cleaning tombstones, washing cars, picking strawberries, harvesting grapes, eating crude food, sleeping in tattered tents, and offering herself to marijuana. I wonder if she will feel the loneliness and fear of the night. Even in the face of the danger of rape, she would still say, I leave mine, I don't care.

She didn't care about a girl's delicate skin, letting it be dirty and smelly, and her hair greasy and dry.

Mona is contemptuous of the world's thinking about the ultimate problem and the pursuit of meaning. Facing those who asked questions, Mona's attitude was cold and perfunctory.

To all the others in the movie, Mona is a passer-by. The camera did not follow Mona, but Mona broke into the picture and entered people's memories. People envy her, hate her, curious about her, sympathize with her, appreciate her, save her, and abandon her. In the end, she still walks back to her own way.

"This is not drifting, it is withering", Mona did not walk out of the shepherd's fateful prediction. As the shepherd said of his wandering friends, alcoholism, drug abuse, and destruction. "Because loneliness eventually swallowed them." In the last few minutes of the film, Mona tripped in a ditch after being frightened, wrapped in the dirty and shabby blanket. Taking the sky as the curtain and the ground as the seat, the heaven and the earth cannot give them warmth. Mona died in the cold.

This girl who "seems to be from the sea" can't avoid the sharp knife of the social rules that pierced into the soles of her feet.

The smoothly advancing scene is over here, we can't even sigh, and we are not qualified. More importantly, Mona doesn't need it.

She laughed with the old man who seemed to be talking to himself without much time. This is the hardest time she laughed. The old man laughed that she looked confused, but he knew that his nephew was planning to send her to a nursing home to inherit her house, and she would not be able to escape this ending. Mona also laughed, laughing loudly at the predictable and unpredictable.

We may never know whether self-destruction or self-realization will come first or together. The only certainty is that we will all go to death, and die no more comfortable and peaceful than Mona.

For some reason, the picture of Mona lightly touching the wound on her hand is extremely deep.

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Vagabond quotes

  • la platonologne Mme Landier: Why did you drop out?

    Mona Bergeron, sans toit ni loi: Champagne on the road's better!

  • les Bergers: She blew in like the wind. No plans, no goals... No wishes, no wants... We suggested things to her. She didn't want to do a thing. Wandering? That's withering. By proving she's useless, she helps a system she rejects. It's not wandering, it's withering.