Too quiet hustle and bustle

Enos 2022-12-15 10:27:52

(Fifty-ninth issue) Dayin niche film group viewing meeting

-Deaf-mute tribe

Too-quiet hustle and bustle, 130-minute documentary-style images, calm, straightforward, and naked, a “tribe” of deaf-mute people, using the most primitive violence to satisfy desires

The "tribe" in the film is just a microcosm of society. We discussed that the weak and the strong, the management class's indifference to ordinary people, from reflecting the lack of love between people to attracting people to think of love, or simply expressing evil, is flawed. His body brings a flawed and extreme psychology...

When I finished watching the film, I only felt a lot of sadness. Sadness was originally a cruel society, and life was originally meaningless. Fortunately, I can see it well~

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