Are you together? !

Anthony 2022-10-20 00:44:08

The heroine is too beautiful, and the male protagonist is stupid. Before the last three minutes, they felt that they would not be together, and the original boyfriend and girlfriend did nothing wrong, and they became innocent cannon fodder. . . Although the film largely describes how the male and female protagonists share similar personalities and have common musical hobbies, the interaction between the male protagonist and the real girlfriend at the beginning is also affectionate and sweet. The two women are evenly matched, and there is no feeling of superiority. As a viewer, I can’t find a reason why the protagonist abandons his fiancée for a beauty that I just met, especially the fiancée is also a beauty. The protagonist probably felt the same way, so he didn't make the decision to leave his girlfriend decisively, but returned to Moscow amidst hesitation. If Nadja did not chase to Moscow, I guess he would be engaged to his girlfriend as planned. Well, whoever fights will go with him, weak man.
It may be to increase the drama conflict and promote the development of the plot. I feel that some lines are a little too exaggerated. The most breathtaking line in the whole film (I think) was uttered through the mouth of a cannon fodder boyfriend, probably "In such a short time you can destroy the past, but you cannot build a future". In the situation at that time, it was really shocking, and poured cold water on the two people with floating moods. This golden sentence is suitable for every moment in life when facing accidents and choices. Go back to the right track, hold everything you have, seek a stable and stable, or embrace new possibilities and bear the accompanying risks. The correct answer to this age-old problem is probably, whichever one you choose is good, just don't be entangled. The heroes and heroines in the film seem to have made a decision without much entanglement. They are very curious about what their lives will be like in the future, and will they regret this choice.

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The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! quotes

  • [Zhenya has just come back from chasing Ippolit]

    Zhenya: I tried to chase him down, but he drove away... He drives faster than I run.

  • Ippolit: Such muck, such vile muck, this fish galatine of yours!