Fate to meet thousands of miles

Kayleigh 2022-11-06 01:30:26

This movie is very interesting. It's a trick of fate, and the final outcome is that the actor gets his wish, but it is estimated that some people will think of the two poor people who have lost their lovers. It is really relevant.
The atmosphere of the whole film is very lively and humorous, but it has been snowing. Although it always feels a bit cold, it also has a strong Russian flavor. The plot is also very magical and funny. The hero and the heroine are always interrupted when they want to kiss. There are many lines that are very meaningful, and there are many warm passages in the middle.
The whole story can be said to be fate to meet each other for thousands of miles. The male protagonist arrived at the heroine's house by accident, and there were many conflicts and dialogues. I think it was in that kind of very warm and ambiguous atmosphere that the hero and heroine slowly fell in love with each other. Although it was only a short night, many stories happened, and the two of them were also in it. I deepened mutual understanding time and time again, and finally fell in love.
The whole movie is very exciting, but it is a bit long, but it is definitely not unbearable. Many of the clips in the middle are very warm and interesting. The finale was also very good. The heroine went to the actor's house and met his mother and friends, and believed that they could go on.

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The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! quotes

  • [Zhenya has just come back from chasing Ippolit]

    Zhenya: I tried to chase him down, but he drove away... He drives faster than I run.

  • Ippolit: Such muck, such vile muck, this fish galatine of yours!