Abnormal life under abnormal psychology

Evert 2022-01-19 08:03:02

A perverted life under perverted psychology. When

a real event is expressed in a movie, is it recorded faithfully and calmly, or is it presented artistically and exaggeratedly?
The news that the Austrian girl Natasha Kampusch was kidnapped and imprisoned for more than eight years is no stranger to people. In the event, people's knowledge and understanding of mental illness and abnormal personality will also be obtained through various channels and even professional channels.
A movie, if there is a good story as a blueprint, in terms of production, the world that can gallop is really infinite. Unfortunately, this film gave the audience the feeling of a documentary. Many scenes that could have burst out of shocking power have been taken too calmly and rationally.

The incident itself is sad. Deep in the appearance of absurdity and evil, we can even see the simplicity and wishful thinking in the fairy tale world-a man with delusional and compulsive consciousness, in very accidental circumstances, saw ten-year-old Natasha eating sweets , Her sweet smile without a sense of purpose touched him. From then on, the man began to build a house underground at home, considering various factors such as sound insulation and ventilation. In his consciousness, this should be a princess' palace. . A few months later, the house was built, and the man drove the car and hijacked Natasha on her way to school...

a disaster, a bad relationship, and its cause is often so insignificant, even an unknown behavior— -Just a smile, ruined the most beautiful youth of a woman, and the life of a man in his prime.

During the more than eight years of the girl's imprisonment, the movie gave a variety of images that impressed the audience. In the meantime, gentleness, warmth, violence, and force alternate-men read fairy tales about princes and princesses to girls, girls ask men to leave her mother as goodnight kisses goodnight; men wash girls hair, when girls ask to go home and cry At that time, he drowned the girl’s head over and over again; when the girl dirtyed the house or table, he would be severely criticized and beaten by the man; when the girl was 18th birthday, he would receive a beautiful dress and birthday from a man. Cake; the girl will please the man observantly, in order to get what she wants and expand the freedom... The most picture is that the man trains the girl to obey him, repeating "obey me, obey me,..." The girl had a stubborn face and never expressed submission. The resistance and rebellion in her bones were so strong that she never gave up the idea of ​​running away.
Regarding people’s sensitive sexual issues, the film behaves mildly as it really happened-men have been waiting for the girl to grow up; when she becomes an adult, their sex is no different from the perversion and abuse of ordinary people. Later, the girl even showed her sexual pleasure.
The girl said to the man, "Of the two of us, only one can survive." The girl committed suicide and was unsuccessful; when the girl escaped, the man greeted the roaring train... The
man said, "Why are you running? ? Why should we destroy this beautiful all? "
a sick man, and a healthy woman, if out of captivity environment, you can even imagine, they may have love, and there may be a marriage ......
Videos At the end, the woman sits in the car, leaning her head against the car window, with a monologue in her heart. You will think that in her life, no matter how long there is in the future, and no matter what kind of life she will have in the future, the eight years she will not be able to forget and erase.
As a film, it did not promptly and appropriately provoke the audience's emotional climax, perhaps because of its failure, but as far as the whole incident is concerned, the audience can't stop thinking-women are innocent, men, are they pitiful? ?
This tragedy may be just a tragedy of the patient's nature, a tragedy of personality.

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3096 Tage quotes

  • Natascha Kampusch: Why did you pick me?

    Wolfgang Priklopil: I've seen your smile.