Blame her for not understanding, but it killed Qingqing

Genesis 2022-01-20 08:02:27

This Romanian film tells a true story in a monastery. Directed by Mongi, the director of "April Three Weeks and Two Days", he did not hesitate to use 150 minutes of ultra-long length to state the tragic story in every detail, like One by one in the film, all the characters are exposed to the long shots, every movement, every facial expression change, plus the amount of lines that can make the mouth go, I am afraid of missing a little detail.

The protagonist of the story is two girls. They are small and combined with the title. They are in a "relative" structure. One girl is in the secular world, and the other is avoiding the world from religion. For people in the secular world, "outside the mountain" It is equivalent to a religion that hides from the world, and vice versa. The conflict between the two in the film continues to reflect this setting. For example, the girl from the world believes that "the only thing that is constant in the world is that everything is changing", while the girl who avoids the world believes that "Once you enter the world, you will never return. Here comes, it’s better to proceed step by step, and it’s inconvenient to change.” Therefore, the secular girl wants to pull the escort girl into the red dust, and the problem is coming. Her series of disdain and provocation for religious beliefs are for the powers and powers of the monastery. The challenge of dignity, in our eyes, a simple emotional breakdown, mental depression, in a monastery "beyond the mountain" is possessed by Satan, like a demon. People inside and outside the mountains, people with faith think that God solves our needs, while people without faith think that God will solve our thoughts. The world and retreat, desire and peace, poison or antidote, angel or devil, where is God? A passionate friendship was eventually exchanged for the blood of the cross. She didn’t understand why she was like this. When she understood that she needed to reflect, she could only put on the old clothes of an old friend and watch the world under the gods. Powerless.

The whole film is not dull and boring because of its length. The narrative is extremely complete and not boring. Under such a serious and thought-provoking theme, it is commendable. It belongs to the type that tolerates in peace and always waits for an outbreak. At the end of the film, the police took all the priests and nuns of the monastery who were suspected of "collective crime" into the police car. She was also in it, because she didn't understand, but killed the life of her best friend Qingqing. It is not a bad thing to have faith, but she is blindly ignorant. , Ignorance seems ridiculous to believe, but it is more cruel here, but it is too late for her to wake up.

At the end of the film, the film advances slowly. Two policemen gossiping about everyday things and gradually see the world outside the glass of the car. Suddenly, a splash of dirty water splashes on and the wipers blow a few times and blur again. This world is clear, and occasionally I will be fascinated by the filth, wipe it a few times, and become chaotic, and nothing can be done. That's right, this is the answer given by the director. This is the world in which we live.

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Beyond the Hills quotes

  • Priest: The man who leaves and the man who comes back are not the same.