Your memory is not necessarily true

Leonel 2022-08-21 21:02:58

I am hesitant
to talk about the plot between 3 stars and 4 stars. It is not complicated, the characters are relatively simple, and the level of excitement is moderate; but the visibility is good, and it is very compact, especially this kind of layer-by-layer advancement method, which is not spoiled. Under the circumstances, it is quite worth seeing.

Speaking of the plot, there are spoilers below. Those who have not seen it are best to watch the movie first.

At first it was an old-fashioned story. The male protagonist Peter was a psychiatrist. He lost his daughter a year ago because of a traffic accident, but he was also responsible. He was caught by something in the window while caring for his daughter while riding a bicycle. Attraction let go, and then her daughter was hit and killed by a car behind. He and his wife left the sad place and returned to their hometown. With the help of a friend, he introduced many patients to him. But these patients are very strange, especially when there is a girl, Elizabeth Valentine, one day.
Gradually, the truth of the matter seemed to surface. Not only these patients, but even the friends who introduced him to work did not exist. The audience began to suspect that Peter had a mental problem because of the loss of his daughter; the first stage of the plot ended. Begin to advance into the second layer.

Peter connected all the information of these people and found that they were all people who had passed away, and they all pointed to one day, 1987. This reminded Peter of the dusty past, something that has always been pressed in his heart. So he returned to his boyhood home and his father's house. It turned out that Peter's father was a policeman, and his mother had passed away ten years ago. In 1987, Peter and his companion Barry mistakenly put their bicycle on the railway. The train that followed was overturned and 47 people were killed. Peter's patients were all those killed in the accident. Peter concealed his and Companion's fault. At this time, the audience understood, oh, it turned out to be so, the dead soul wants Peter to tell the truth. The second level of the plot is over, but there is a third level.

Peter first mobilized his companions to surrender, but was not convinced, so Peter went to the police station alone to surrender the next day. The case record for him happened to be the daughter of a woman in the accident that year; because the case was long and it was a minor fault. , Will not sue. Peter feels finally let go. (As an audience member, I must be very suspicious that two bicycles could cause such a big rollover accident?) Sure enough, the incident was not that simple. Peter, who had surrendered himself, was frightened by ghosts again after he returned. It turned out that this is not the whole truth. Finally, the truth was revealed. Back then, a man assaulted a girl in a car. The girl escaped to the platform next to the train. The man killed the girl. During the fight, the girl grabbed the code for changing train tracks. This was the cause. The truth about the rollover. And all this was seen by Peter, that man is his father, and that girl is Elizabeth Valentine

. The ending of the story is very orthodox. Peter's demon father eventually died on the track and was crushed to pieces by the passing train. Those who stood on the train were all people who died that year. It's a revenge.

There are a few implicit points.
One is that Peter's companion who refused to surrender himself was finally found hanged on the platform. This is definitely not his suicide. I tend to be Peter's father who killed him, but it may also be a ghost killing him.
Then Peter discovered his father's brutal nature and asked him how many girls had died. I think there must be more than Elizabeth Valentine, and even Peter's mother, it is possible that his father killed him.

If the truth was revealed back then, Peter would not be distracted to look at the toy train in the window while taking care of his daughter on a bicycle, his daughter would not die, nor would he and his wife suffer so much. But it is precisely because of this accident that Peter will return to his hometown, will recollect what happened decades ago, will trace the truth, and finally give justice to the person who died unjustly. So, isn't it a bit in the dark? It's not that simple.
So, who gives Peter's daughter justice, she is the most innocent in the whole story. Will the father's debts be paid?

At the end of the story, Peter is at the beach with his wife on one side and his daughter on the other. Through dialogue, I think they should have a new child; the daughter next to him stood up and kissed his father on the forehead and walked towards the beach. I think it can be understood that she decided to leave when she saw her parents finally let go; or, the daughter has been with her parents, but only the father can see it.

The whole story, not much horror, should be regarded as a suspenseful film. The story wants to tell us, people, don't do bad things, be kind, and have the courage to admit your mistakes, otherwise, the mistakes decades ago may be returned to you decades later.

Human memory is wonderful. Sometimes, your memory may not be correct, because the memory is in the management of your brain. Once your brain wants to block something, it is likely to delete some memory; if the brain wants to forge something, it may also add lies into it. Your memory.

However, the brain is in charge of the human heart. In the end, it is your heart that determines your direction.

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