Viewing the juvenile murder in Guling Street

Kimberly 2022-10-05 07:06:39

It was another day when I was convinced by Director Yang Dechang's filming techniques. The second director Yang's work I watched after "Yiyi", "Guling Street Teenage Murder" is a masterpiece of the times. The whole film is nearly 4 hours long, but it doesn't make people feel ugly at all. I really like this kind of film that people can't stop watching? Father Zhang Guozhu——“Just remember the demerit, if a person wants to apologize for the mistakes he hasn’t made, to please him, what can’t this kind of person do? (Little Four: But I seem to think that there are too many things like this in this world.) So, reading so many books is to find a reason for being a person and doing things in the future. If you can't be brave enough to believe it in the end, what's the point of being a human being? The huge contrast between the front and the back of the father Zhang Guozhu is a highlight of the film, which can also reflect the weakness of intellectuals to a certain extent. However, if you and I were put in such a situation (no beatings, no scolding, and constant interrogation by fatigue), would it be possible? How to handle it better? I really hope that this kind of "words and deeds" can enter thousands of families in the world, and children can also learn a thing or two. Whether it is an ivory tower or a public meal, it is still a good place to shelter from the storm. After being betrayed by his "best friend" Wang Gou, Zhang Guozhu swept his anger to the people closest to him. Looking at everyone here, he should beware of subconsciously passing on his bad emotions to those around him. How much is Zhang Guozhong's role? Reminds me of Zhou Tienan, who was in the water. Maybe every intellectual will become the kind of person he hates when he is on the verge of collapse. There is nothing more helpless for adults than this, full of compromises. Xiao Si——"Xiao Ming, I know everything about you, but I don't care. Because only I know, only I can help you, I am your only hope now. Just like Haney before, that's why you can't forget Haney. Because, now, I am Haney. " Xiao Ming - "You mean, you want to help me change me, don't you?" How are you like everyone else, I misread you. It turns out that you are the same as those people. If you are good to me, you want to exchange my feelings for you with me, so you can feel at ease, right? You are too selfish. Want to change me? I am just like this world, this world will not change, who do you think you are? This dialogue also hits my heart directly, probably because I have seen Jing Si's past. The family of origin has a great influence on a person's character shaping, you can't simply use "watery poplar flowers" to describe Xiao Ming, after all people's joys and sorrows most of the time It's really hard to feel the same way. Xiao Si and Xiao Ming are not destined to have a good ending. It's really heartbreaking to turn into a tragedy like the last one. I used to think, "It's almost Yes", now I am more aware of the importance of personalities and compatibility in all aspects. There is a scene that impressed me deeply, Xiaosi asked Xiaoming if he wanted to visit Xiaohu who was too sad, and the two immediately quarreled. In fact, this is what they were in The epitome of being together doesn't depend on anyone's will. Honey——"I was in Tainan, and I was bored to death. I could read dozens of martial arts novels every day. Later, I asked them to rent the thickest novels for me to read. . War and Peace, its I don't even remember the title of his martial arts book, only this one. write a letter? I really want to write a novel for people like me to read in the future, it's too late and I haven't read enough books. "I think it's hard for boys and girls who have seen this film not to like Honey. Small characters like Honey appear in the film a lot. After being portrayed by Director Yang, the images are presented in a three-dimensional manner. The audience, such as the elder brothers and sisters of Xiao Sijia. As the eldest child in the family, the eldest sister is so sensible that it makes people feel a little distressed, and she is always making up for her younger brothers and sisters; Expose Xiao Si; the second sister, Zhang Qiong, in order to guide Xiao Si back to the right path (at that time Xiao Si suffered a triple blow from his father, partner, and friend), he made an appointment with the pastor for his younger brother. In the end, the second sister was the one who cried the most after Xiao Si’s accident. I won't go into details about other outstanding little people. After 4 hours of watching "Guling Street Teenage Murder Incident", you will most likely gain a lot. Finally, I will give you the famous saying of the steamed bun hawker - why are you in a bad mood? No problem, just sleep and the sun will come out. A living person can't suffocate their farts, right?

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