"War and Peace"

Lea 2022-11-09 20:53:03

Recorded by xjmanu on 2009-10-04 With deletions and changes

, I finally have a movie that can be compared to "Yiyi" in my mind. Nothing else, it is another masterpiece "Guling Street Teenage Murder" directed by Yang Dechang. Strictly speaking, it is not the first time I tried watching it. I gave up halfway several times. To fully immerse in a movie, especially Yang Dechang's movie, requires extremely sufficient emotional accumulation.

Compared with what happened around me in "Yi Yi", "Guling Street" happened in that long time ago, and the group of 14- or 15-year-old youths always made me feel a little too mature. If what can be felt in "Yiyi" is a kind of peace that Yang Dechang exudes after a long mental journey, then "Guling Street" still adheres to Yang Dechang's narrative style, rational and rational. Precise, but the youthful power shown by Yang Dechang, who was ten years younger at the time, was so primitive and shocking, as if Xiao Si finally stabbed Xiao Ming's sharp knife, the knife came from the heart, and the knife was fatal. , but not a single knife is redundant.

Yang Dechang is without a doubt the best director in my opinion, even though I have only seen one of his films before, and now I have only two. In the face of such a big and unreasonable proposition as a philosophy of life, his style is always a little more rational and precise than other directors. His narrative is not imaginative, but it is more natural and smooth than anyone else, and the grand and complicated story structure is The analysis is well-organized and full of logical beauty, like cooking a duck to solve a cow. Check his resume online, "Graduated from the Department of Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu in 1969. In the university, influenced by Western ideas, Yang Dechang went abroad to study as soon as he graduated. In 1970, he entered the University of Florida to study for a master's degree in computer science, and transferred to 1974. I went to the University of Southern California to study film and became a director, but left without finishing the course. Later, I worked as a computer designer at the Naval Defense Anti-Submarine Institute affiliated to the University of Washington in Seattle." Sure enough. So in Yang Dechang's films, we can't find the intermittent ambiguity of most artists' minds.

Fourteen-year-old Zhang Zhen has reached the peak of his performance in this film. But if I was allowed to fall in love with one of the characters in the film, I wouldn't hesitate to choose Honey, the teenage tycoon in an ill-fitting Republic Navy uniform. Like Xiao Si, he is a complete idealist, even more thorough and firm than Xiao Si. He is confident that he is omnipotent, and my younger brother believes in him, and even once I was superstitious that he is an omnipotent character. However, after a single-handed meeting with an infinite tone, he still died of a despicable trick by a social bastard who was a few years older than him. He died in such an understatement that there was no heroic spirit of going to justice.

This is the best line I thought in the whole play. I still feel the blood tumbling when I read it silently. It came from the mouth of Honey: "I was in Tainan, and I was bored to death. I could read dozens of martial arts novels every day. Later, I asked them to help I rented the most thick martial arts novels to read. In fact, the people from the past are really similar to the people we come out to hang out with now. There was an old Bao, and everyone thought he took the wrong medicine. I remember, it seems that everyone in the city He turned his head and was set on fire everywhere. He was going to block Napoleon by himself. Later, he was stung by Tiaozi. - "War and Peace". I don't remember the names of other martial arts books, but this one... …”.

As for Xiao Ming, I am amazed that she looks too much like a person, so I don't dare to think about it, for fear of creating a psychological shadow.

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