Reprinted: Guling Street Teenage Murder Case

Eddie 2022-11-19 13:28:30

The film won the Special Jury Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival in 1991.
There have been too many comments on this Yang Dechang work, which is of great significance in the history of Taiwanese film, and they are basically well written. And in those about cruel youth or This film is also always selected as a representative in the film exhibition of the magazines, newspapers and TV stations of youth cruel or youth growth. In addition, this first "Taiwan TV series" from Beiguang wrapped in four pieces of kraft paper in the form of vcd (because "Too long)" was widely broadcasted in various folk film societies from northeast to southwest, northwest to south China, and it always became the most anticipated thing in the disc market. But it has never been released on DVD. Just wait patiently, it's better to be impatient, because you can't be indifferent in front of this cruel image. Of course, there are also people who have objections to this film. My friend in Shenzhen believes that Yang Dechang has no control and cannot be like The European masters control the delivery of effective information.
Here, to those who have seen the movie and haven't seen it, I recommend a comment about this movie that I appreciate the most, 2black's "Educational Poem on Guling Street". Of course, it is strongly recommended that you watch the movie now and then read this text.
Educational Poems on Guling Street
My home is in Guling Street, where I work and live. We had an accident here before. Our good brother Mao Wu stabbed his horse to death here.
Later, one of Mao Wu's classmates went out from Guling Street. Yang Dechang studied computer in the United States and pursued a master's degree. For an accidental reason, I changed my career and made a movie. In 1991, Mr. Yang brought some of our stories from Guling Street to the screen.
I have seen this movie called "Guling Street Teenage Murder Case". The film was nearly four hours long, and many people said it was boring. I also had chest tightness after watching it, due to inhumane reasons.
After graduating from Tamkang Normal University, I returned to my hometown of Guling Street and became a young educator at Jianguo Middle School. This film by classmate Yang was actually filmed in Tamkang Middle School.
After middle age, I found that among all the teaching references, what was especially precious was the copy of this film in my mind: every paragraph, every character, every frame, every line.
I often think that if I go back 30 years and let me go back to Guling Street, this film may become my local and personal history. I can get to know every family, every social class, every gang of teenagers through it. It is my teaching tool, my real-life enlightenment reading, my interpersonal communication guide, and my mind-walking map.
My return home may be like a revisit, or, more like a night and sleepwalking, memories and speculations of the past will accompany me like ghosts. When I pass by the lotus pond where young couples snuggle under the moonlight, the shooting range with golden weeds in summer, the lights of the classroom at night, the movie studio next door, there may be ghosts singing in my ears the soulful poem:
Old age is my notebook, Youth is my memoir.
You are my abandonment and pursuit, you are my happiness and pain.
I am full of juvenile blood, add it to five. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, and you will water the evergreen tree with passion.
When I, as a new teacher, was introduced by the principal to the students to board the podium in the Jianzhong Auditorium, the students’ school uniforms were no longer military uniforms, and it was difficult for me to distinguish who was from the small park and who was from 217.
These children, do they still read "217" as "Liu Yaoguai"? ——Who was the children of the military dependents’ village back then who didn’t know the standard pronunciation of numbers for signal soldiers?
When I stand on the podium, I often subconsciously stare at the school badge on their chest. Are there 86089 classmates among them? Classmate 86089 shot 7 knives on Guling Street at night and stabbed his horse to death.
More than 30 years later, because of this film, those children who studied here in 1960 are mentioned again. I know that among the schoolchildren there will be talk of their origins and origins, and there will be various versions of the romance. In fact, because I grew up living in this area, my younger peers have also curiously asked me about the truth, and I always smiled apologetically and said I didn't know anything.
The night club of Class 48 of the Republic of China and related people often become the cases that they use the principles of pedagogy to analyze:
No. 86089, student Zhang Zhen. Nickname "Little Four": All other subjects in the senior high school entrance examination scored more than 90, while the always good Chinese only scored more than 50 points. After Zhang Bang, his father asked to check the file, but it was unsuccessful. Whether the file was wrong or not is still an unsolved case. The student is relatively withdrawn, autistic, taciturn, and has typical symptoms of the psychological weaning period: long-term indulging in paranoid thinking
, and constructing his own emotional relaxation space with private words. Its moral perfection spirit of saving the world and helping people may induce strong paranoia and violent tendencies when it is out of control.
Classmate Wang Mao. Nickname "Little King": its musical ability is composed of three aspects, (1) melody sense, the ability to distinguish the melody characteristics of melody. (2) Musical representation, that is, hearing that can reflect pitch and intensity at will. It can reproduce the melody that has been heard, and realize the transfer and conversion between hearing and vocalization. (3) A sense of rhythm. Sensitive and accurate reproduction of temporal relationships between notes. Wang Mao is born with absolute pitch and amazing musicality that many great musicians lack. ——Due to the underdevelopment of the left hemisphere, the body functions are not fully coordinated, and the characteristic feature is low hands-on ability. ——If Xiao Si understood this, he would not let him fix his father's radio.
Xiaohu: Repeated students. Varsity basketball player. Under his tough and independent personality, he also has an extremely emotional side. He often falls into extreme depression due to the frustration of something, and his personality is completely depressed. Become aloof as an adult, choosing a lifestyle of abandonment.
Pony: Transfer students. The son of the Taipei garrison commander, he has a pampered family environment. His life values ​​are extremely vague, manifested as extreme self-centeredness and a tendency to discriminate against women. But at the same time, he has a chivalrous heart, attaches great importance to friendship, and has real mourning after the incident of Xiao Si.
Slicker: Posing opportunist, a brutal fire turned into a turning point in his life.
Two: A pushy, pretentious amateur singer. Living in the shadow of his elder brother for a long time, he is stern on the inside, strong on the outside and hard on the outside, hesitant and fearful in the midst of danger. Perhaps, like the slicker, it needs an opportunity to complete the qualitative change.
Airplane: Stupid, honest and good student. Followers and bystanders of the juvenile group, participation in the action often occurs after the action is over.
Briefs: A fan of "small books" in the second-hand book market on Guling Street. No personality is his personality, and there is hope to become a collector of rare books.
Honey: Once full of aggressive youthful spirit. It has the temperament of advocating freedom and infatuated with adventure, and often has a sense of loneliness that is out of tune with the times. An accidental literary reading completed his personal ideological enlightenment, and since then he began to advocate the image of a "lone hero".
Shandong. Its personal image is determined to always exist as the opposite of Honey. Photophobia, gloomy personality, ambitious, unscrupulous to seize power and wealth. She is dedicated and affectionate towards women.
——In the teacher's office of Jianguo Middle School, the discussion about youth education has become the daily homework of my colleagues. Could these children have been on a well-designed track if we were guided and taught in accordance with their aptitude? Could something have been avoided forever if our predecessors had invested more attention and vigilance?
I don't get involved in colleague arguments, but sometimes listen. What I found: There was one case where it seemed impossible to prescribe easily. In these personal files, the names of the deceased seem to have been intentionally omitted:
also, Xiao Ming.
My knowledge of pedagogy and sociology tells me that the socialization of people is accomplished by education and influence in three aspects: the family is the cradle of socialization; the school is the palace of socialization; the neighborhood society is the competition of socialization field.
I remember sneering when I read this chapter.
Xiao Si comes from a family of duty. His father was an upright civil servant. When Xiao Si was found by the school to collude with his classmates to cheat and punish him, Xiao Si's father actually naively argued with the Dean of Academic Affairs, scolding him for being unfair, resulting in Xiao Si being punished more severely and recording a major demerit. Then he enlightened Xiao Si instead:
"Reading so many books is to understand the truth of being a person and doing things; if you can't be brave enough to believe what you do right in the end, what's the point of being a person? - I hope this will encourage you, not a blow.
" When Xiao Si was worried that their father and son would be scolded by their mother, the father actually sighed in Cantonese in the tone of a friend,
"If you don't have a spring bag, it's so troublesome" - I was really touched at that moment in the movie theater.
However, his father was soon summoned by the garrison headquarters to interrogate his teacher who stayed in the mainland, and was detained for one night on suspicion of "bandit". Become cowardly and neurotic. When Xiao Si was expelled by the school because of another violation, his father still called it "unfair", but began to beg the school to give him another chance. An angry fourth smashed the lightbulb in the teacher's office with a bat. It was a repressed defiance, a home run that stunned adults.
Fathers, you lost.
School education should be the development stage of students' moral consciousness. Jianzhong is by no means an ideal recreational park.
I remember two meaningful details in the movie: the
dean of education said to the old guard of the studio who came to complain: "Our principal emphasizes the free development of students' personalities and never closes the school's door.
" The Chinese teacher called to the podium: "Don't you like the word 'I' very much? - Write it a hundred times."
The neighborhood society of the little fours is ridiculed by the neighbor's fat uncle, and the father's classmate Wang Gou's sophistication is shrewd. .
Xiao Si once had the opportunity to teach the drunk fat uncle a lesson, but when he slipped into a ditch, he helped save him. Fat Uncle later repaid his gratitude by introducing Xiao Si's father to help others handle the green fruit export business. ——Perhaps, in Xiao Si’s eyes, this is another step for his father to compromise and mediocrity.
Another neighborhood society is the film studio opposite Jianzhong, where the juniors often skip classes to play. Here they have seen pampered and arrogant starlets and directors flattering to the proprietress. When I went for the last time, the director asked Xiao Ming, who had come to audition: What about the girl who came with you? ——Cry when you want to cry, laugh when you laugh, it’s natural——
Xiao Si, who was suffering from lovelorn, interrupted him roughly and shouted out the most deafening anti-educational line in the film:
"Naturally?! You can't even tell the real from the fake and what movie are you making? You made it. What the hell are they all?"
How pale home, school, and neighborhood education pales in comparison to the lessons of reality. So, when I saw Xiao Si's parents crying in the courtyard, when I saw Xiao Ming learned about Honey's death from Xiao Nerve, he walked slowly back to his mother in silence, picked up the needle and thread, and couldn't help thinking I read the verse in Yang Mu's "Three Desolate Criminals": In the
silence, I heard the woman next door calling for the dog, the
man stoically punching a steel needle, and
they were living. "I'm living"
I said: although I don't know why
In each class, there are basically two forces. One worships the power of their parents, and the other believes in their own strength. Basically, the surrounding of the two forces gradually united into a group of people, and the water and fire were incompatible.
Note that in a small middle school class, all the power games in the adult world are often rehearsed. They even have peace talks, cold wars, honeymoons, unwritten principles of peaceful coexistence and the joy of alliances, and secret confrontations.
When the pony arrived, I noticed Xiaohu's hostile and wary eyes. I often watch this rehearsal from the sidelines. In fact, I can completely predict the outcome of the battle. This will happen more often after they graduate, and the phrase "civilian consciousness" is a luxury in itself. Frozen three feet, not a day's cold. Behind every victory, there is a deep
Maybe, I should organize a round table meeting with the same parties in my class, tell them to intrigue, to intrigue, to do their best, and to plan, that's a man's game. There should be tough dialogue in a male society, but preferably on a relatively level playing field.
I was apprehensive about the talks I envisioned. I am a sober realist, but I often act like a naive idealist.
According to the theory of German Max Weber, wealth, prestige and power are the stratification standards of society. I should try to make them understand that this is the truth and the mystery. If you cannot change it in the future, at least learn to get used to it and accept it now. We should be able to understand: why did Xiao Ming end up following Xiao Ma instead of Xiao Hu and Xiao Si, or even Slick? Why do admissions personnel after the joint entrance examination hold a list full of care targets when they enter the admissions hall?
I often wonder why my teachers hated so much cheating in the examination room in the first place?
I like to watch my students dawdling. When they were carrying bats and bricks, rushing about on the corridor of the teaching building, I often passed by them as if nothing had happened, and didn't dissuade them. Occasionally, one or two children will quickly stand at attention when they see me: Hello, teacher. I nodded reservedly, and he continued to charge past with his Japanese dagger and his claws.
They should learn to squat. It is better to learn sooner than later, and in the future in the Legislative Yuan, in the election battle, they will continue the game. And now, it's time to warm up.
I am reminded of Slick and Xiaohu's fight against Xiaoming on the basketball court in the movie. Xiaohu was actually fearless at the time. He actually has the qualities of a gangster leader of a student. Calm and calm, even in the presence of a strong enemy, he seems so absent-minded. And when he wakes up and prepares to respond, the other party's muscles should immediately tighten.
And I noticed this guy in the black No. 9 jersey. His backers are the gangsters of Nanhai Road. With a slight smile, he persuaded Xiaohu, and then slammed into Slippery's lower abdomen, and then began to slap Slippery in the face slowly and slowly. It was not strong, but it was controlled so that it could show extreme contempt for the opponent. , and can destroy the opponent from the will
, so that it starts to collapse from the body to the will. This is a very common form of foreplay in a student brawl, an impressively provocative and provocative one.
I know that Slippery was besieged by 217 during his rendezvous with Xiaoming in the middle school. When his companion arrived and grabbed a child from a military dependents’ village of Hubei descent, Slippery once slapped the child; and later, On the day Honey returned to Taipei, he also slapped Xiao Si, who was dating Xiao Ming in the ice and fruit room of the small park, such a small slap in the face—but he regretted it later.
In subsequent fights and revenge, this casually despised opponent is often the quickest to die. -
"Do not insult your enemies", young people often do not understand this truth.
I have a senior who once solemnly recommended this movie to his younger brother, who regarded it as a gift that should be grateful for his life.
The winner of the 13th and 16th "United Daily News" novella prize, mainland writer Wang Xiaobo said: "It's a lucky thing to have a brother.
How many times have we benefited from our elder brother in our growth?
When Xiao Si wanted to compensate the plane's bat and turned to his elder brother Er for help, the second child silently gave him 70 yuan. When the fourth child asked where the money came from, the second child replied: Don't you want it? Don't ask!
When the fourth child stole his mother's watch to the pawnshop, the second child was questioned suspiciously by the elder sister, and went to the billiard room in Shandong again without making a sound. . Xiao Si witnessed the scene where his elder brother was beaten by his father: shameless and worthless!
Sure enough,——the moral guilt was unconsciously reflected in Xiao Si's behavior of stabbing Xiao Ming to death. I was surprised to find that Xiao Si scolded Xiao Ming at the same time as he stabbed the dagger: shameless, worthless!
When Pierre in "War and Peace" met Honey in his boring "running" career, Honey's fatal heroism complex was born.
Sure enough, when Honey, who was wearing a navy blue "Republic of China Navy" uniform and exaggerated sailor flared trousers, returned to Taipei from the south, I found with envy that his conversation became poetic and philosophical, and his personal image changed. Be full of charm.
Sure enough, on the day of the Zhongshan Hall concert, he dragged his stump leg and walked out like Pierre and Quixote from the standing crowd amid the national anthem. ——After he came out this time, he never came out again.
When Honey and Xiao Si met in the ice shop, as a bystander, I immediately realized the danger, and at the time I could not clearly judge what the danger was. Now I understand that what I clearly saw at that time was that his soul was beginning to be absorbed by the little four. If this encounter can be continued, the two of them are very likely to become a pair of cherishing friends. One may see the shadow of his younger years in the other party: he is obsessed with emotional dedication and moral self-redemption; the other may find his own ideal of personality in the other party, and even the loneliness and hesitation unique to tragic heroes.
Sure enough, when a devout Christian, Zhang Qiong, the second sister who has always cared about Xiao Si, tried to listen to Xiao Si's victory, and comforted him: Are you too caring about others, do you only think about yourself and lack dedication? Xiao Si replied: Honey, I said that too. Honey, a good friend.
Sure enough, in Xiao Si's final confession to Xiao Ming, he said: Only I can help you, because now I am Honey.
I hope I can warn my young colleagues like this: as educators on Guling Street, you should get to know them as soon as possible, familiarize yourself with them, who are their personal idols, who are their spiritual fathers and brothers. ——The past stories on this street are all lessons of blood, and we should be careful not to try to be a savior and a preacher, but a silent observer and counselor.
This is the "Guling Street Juvenile Murder Case" in my eyes. It describes far more than a love murder, it is so thick and broad, it is an encyclopedia covering education, criminology, psychology, sociology, culture, anthropology and religion.
It was never the gospel of the merciful, but a document about the history of growth.
Perhaps, for individuals, it is also a diary that records when old age began, a memoir that recalls when youth died.
There is such a girl in every country. She may not be the most beautiful and purest, but she has an irreplaceable status, and she is the only school flower in this school.
She was hated, despised, despised by other girls, and cursed by boys with the most obscene language. However, the strange thing is that she will enter every boy's dream, she can be destroyed, because she is the most shameless.
Without exception, such a girl, such a girl in every country, is not flamboyant and frivolous. She walks with her head down and doesn't talk to anyone. In the eyes of the whole school, she walked like a sinner.
She obviously matured earlier than the other girls. The body is plump, and when she walks by, the corridor in summer smells of Liushen dew water. Experienced brothers will whisper to remind her, pay attention to her walking posture, pay attention to her outer stance, twisted hips and waist.
She's been fucked, she's been fucked, this whore.
A group of people suddenly burst into wanton laughter. She stopped and turned around, her eyes were filled with shame and anger, but she was still innocent.
Fuck, why does she look at me like this, why does she? this bitch!
——And everyone's heart was torn to pieces in that turn. So, in that night's dream, she had to insult her again, torture her, torment her, until she burst into tears.
There must have been a flash of lightning that night, and there must have been a blast of thunder, and all the perceptions of beauty and kindness seemed to recover overnight. Her image began to become pure and noble as never before, not hurt by rumors, secretly exuding fragrance.
Maybe, maybe more than ten years later, when you suddenly think of this little girl who has long been forgotten, you will find that your subsequent revision of her image is still a kind-hearted wish, a wishful hallucination and imagination. You are still blinded by her performance. In your experienced eyes now, you are surprised to find that all the rumors about her at the beginning are actually very likely to be true.
Her premature development is definitely not for nothing! All the mysteries are solved at once, everything has a background, and everyone has a background. In both educational and adolescent psychology lecture notes, she is a typical case: she came from a complex family, her father died early, her mother had a bad reputation, she was either harassed and violated in childhood, or There are many experiences of being under the fence, which trains her sophistication and vulgarity. The fundamental reason why she played with all the young people who fell under her skirt was actually because she was seriously insecure, and she had the genes of self-destruction, so she would degenerate and sink into self-defeating; and all her successful cover-ups came from Her instinct for self-preservation
—after adulthood, when we re-examine through the representation of things, we will find that, without even needing to verify, the rumors about her at the beginning are almost all true. Such a girl is not as bad as we thought, nor as good as we thought later. She just recognized her living environment earlier than us. She is far richer and more complex than us, and far more profound than us. and sober.
And if time goes back more than 30 years, when I am 15 years old, I still hope that I will fall in love with her, still sometimes full of fanaticism and bravery, sometimes accompanied by cowardice and shyness.
Anyway, let me like you. When you are 14, when you and all the girls are 14, you already act like 20. You have begun to have scheming and acting skills, and have begun to learn to coquettishly. He also began to overdraw his youth and life. When you are 17, you will already be a little mother; when you are 25, you have begun to age rapidly; when you are 30, you have begun to enter menopause. And no matter what, let me love you like this first, with a broken heart, and a blood that has gradually dropped to freezing point.
In the class of youth, let me stare at you so madly first, let my whole mind be your every move, every frown and smile. Outside the window is the fragrance of sophora japonica like waves of waves, and inside is the fragrance of sophora japonica.
Guling Street used to be famous for selling old books. It first became a place where scholars flocked to, because the Japanese who returned home from defeat in the war often took furniture, antiques, paintings and books to Guling Street and Nanhai Road and sold them cheaply. In the mid-1950s, from Fuzhou Street, Xiamen Street to Guling Street, there were 40-50 second-hand book stalls and dozens of second-hand bookstores, often with rare books and old editions. At that time, the reputation of Guling Street spread all over Taiwan, and it also became a cultural attraction that many foreign tourists must visit. In the 1960s, the momentum of Guling Street reached its peak, and it seemed to be an important book information exchange center in Taipei under the political and economic closed situation at that time.
After the 64th year of the Republic of China, the second-hand book market moved to the basement of Guanghua Shopping Center, and Guling Street became depressed every day. In order to reproduce the style of the second-hand book market, the municipal cultural department and the community co-hosted the activity of "Revisiting the Town of Old Books - Guling Street Book Market". Nearly 100 book stalls were in unprecedented splendor. Mr. Cai, the owner of the first used bookstore "Pine Forest Bookstore" on Guling Street, also tried several times to walk from the dark shop to the outside of the house.
I live in Taipei Teachers Association near Guling Street. When I strolled down to Guling Street at night, it had become so narrow and remote, even a little dark and eerie. There were few pedestrians, and the street lights flickered. Four or five hundred meters from the beginning to the end, there are only four or five bookstores left, all of which are dilapidated. Some are just "Kejian Meiyu" that can be seen everywhere, and some signs such as "Fuzhou Snacks" and "Sanyang Electromechanical".
I once tried to find records in old newspapers about the gang fight that killed several people in Shandong. As a result, I read this piece of news: On Christmas Eve in 1960, in front of the Provincial Women's Association on Guling Street, a large number of unidentified gangsters used a taxi rack to walk a couple. The murdered couple shouted "help" in the street. , The criminal team of the nearby Police Seventh Sub-Bureau immediately dispatched, and immediately took a couple to the bureau for protection, and arrested Li Zhigao, who was suspected of obstructing freedom, and the rest of the criminals had fled by car. According to Fang Fang’s preliminary investigation, this is a case where the biological father tricked his biological daughter under the age of 15 into prostitution in a special tea room. Another young man assisted his daughter to escape from the sea of ​​misery, and went to Taipei to apply to the Provincial Women’s Association for mediation and marriage, but her father had many gangsters. People want to rob the woman and her lover. For example, the case is very tortuous, and the investigation is continuing, and the police station in Pingtung is contacted to arrest the gangsters who are on the run.
My name is Hua Guangfu. In Yang Dechang's film, my name is "Slick", and I have soaked in Xiao Cui and Xiao Ming. In the 49th year of the Republic of China, I was ordered to drop out of school for cheating in exams, and later became the juvenile leader of "Little Park". The most rebellious act of my rebellious period was betrayal: I was one of the first transitional club leaders who had a business sense and tried to operate as an enterprise in practice. My main planning and management project that year was to organize concerts.
My father, the director of the Zhongshan Hall Management Committee, was dismissed and investigated for being accused of condoning and covering up the use of political venues for commercial profit-making, taking bribes, and being implicated in underworld organizations.
My men have left me one after another. During the long summer that followed, I was in a state of painful introspection. I later went to kindergarten. The following year I transferred to Tamkang Normal University, because I later realized that my education object should not be young children, but teenagers. After graduation, I became a youth educator.
My home is in Guling Street, where I work and live. In the summer of the 50th year of the Republic of China, our good brother Xiao Si stabbed his horse to death here.
This was the first case of juvenile homicide in the Republic of China, and it was also a trivial incident in the history of this country.
Acknowledgments: The boss is at home.
When I chose the font size before typing this text, I clicked "Little Four" without hesitation.
I looked at schoolchild after schoolchild here and
wondered if she had ever stood like this at her age—
for the daughter of a swan would inherit
every quality of a wading bird—and
would have hair and face of the same color,
How fast my heart beats when I think about it;
she stands in front of me, a lively child.

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