that was our life

Ulices 2022-12-30 13:12:48

Watching "Guling Street" again, I sighed at the director's precise reproduction of the times. From the early 1990s to the early 1960s, 30 years seemed to slip away in a flash. His choice of main scenes revealed the unique emptiness and tranquility of that era. This is what Taipei in the 1990s no longer has. In an old Japanese-style house, under the yellow lights, family members quietly reading and sewing clothes. On the streets with low houses on both sides, father and son can quietly push the car and chat while walking. There are also the quaintness revealed by the tall school buildings, and the truant children who commanded high on the set. These are hard to reproduce. Everything has the unique flavor of that era. Rich in plain and simple beauty. The little four played by Zhang Zhen is also called Zhang Zhen. It seems that this face, no one is more reminiscent of the 1960s than him, the earthy simplicity, the eyes are so straight. He is so stubborn and silly that he is just right for the role of Xiao Si. Xiao Ming also made a good choice. She speaks softly and walks like the wind blowing willows. Although she is young, she is no longer a simple girl. In order to survive, she knows how to use people and please them. Even when she moved back to the military dependents' village and was reprimanded by a sister, she just had to lean on Rourou, and the girl who was angry with her just now surrendered immediately. Xiao Ming is truly invincible. In the wandering life experience of relying on his mother, Xiao Ming has long lost his innocence in order to survive. Tragedy is to tear apart the beautiful for others to see. So "Guling Street" is a tragedy after all. What is beautiful is the persistence and hope for this world, and the belief in truth, goodness and beauty. But the world is full of fakes and ugliness, and those who refuse to submit to it will be broken into pieces. It is also the road that Xiao Si's father and Xiao Si can't turn back. Because of being honest, he ran into walls everywhere and was out of tune with the society, and he swayed the blood of young people, but it was all accidental. The director's handling of the murder is equally convincing. Life is full of chance. This sensational murder incident also did not have any bizarre and tragic events, and it was a small matter that led to the irretrievable ending. Little Four went to Kitten's house and stole a Japanese knife, which Kitten found on the ceiling of the Japanese-style house at home. It was estimated that it was a knife used by Japanese women to commit suicide. He went to school to stop ponies. I met Xiao Ming by accident. Xiao Ming discovered his short knife and said to him, I am as immutable as this world, Xiao Si was impulsive and stabbed several times. Because of a state of madness, when Xiao Si fell down, he was still calling her repeatedly to wake her up. It might have been a fight between two teenagers, and that was dramatic, but that wasn't the case. It was accident that led to the tragedy. How could Xiao Si want to hurt Xiao Ming? He was just impulsive... Xiao Si once also dated Xiao Si Cui, because of this, he also stole his mother's watch. The second brother wanted to redeem the watch for him. He went to play billiards and gambled money. After winning the money, he went home and was found by his parents. His father beat the second brother like a madman. help. Before Xiaocui said to him, you are good to me because you want to change me. If I don't change, you will ignore me. You are too selfish. The walls in my heart are crumbling little by little... How did the chain break? How did a good student like Xiao Si get involved in the gang and finally embark on the road of murder? The director explained the changes in this way very well, and expressed infinite sympathy for Xiao Si. Everything went smoothly like the flow of water. This event has become less important in the end, and those events have left a deeper imprint on our hearts. To a certain extent, it can be said that Yang Dechang is the fourth. They are all equally true. Therefore, there is such a film that can accurately replicate the scenes, characters, and especially the atmosphere of the era in the 1960s. Yang Dechang said that youth is a quality. And that quality he probably never lost until his untimely death from cancer. Yang Dechang likes to draw comics, and the paintings are full of childlike interest. In comics, he naturally never lost his innocent heart. Because life is full of accidents, Yang Dechang finally did not become a junior fourth, and in that era, the powerlessness and fear of the future he felt as a teenager in a military dependents village made him unable to complete a recovery of personal trauma without reappearing. with salvation. When this real incident happened, Yang Dechang was only 14 years old. Death has a special meaning for a teenager's growth. It can be said that in a series of deep reflections on the times caused by the huge shock of death, the director went from a teenager to an adult, and Guling Street has always been a wound that he cannot avoid. Writing is a kind of healing, so why not film. The inescapable youth memory constitutes the epic of this film. As a socialist director, Yang Dechang has a strong ability to control the era and the relationship between characters. Humans live in social relationships. Through each teenager, the relationship radiated to all directions, not only exposing the corruption of the authorities, but also ironing the school's pedantic education, and reflecting on the Kuomintang's rule in Taiwan - in such an environment of Japanese-style housing, There is also the Tainan Gang who bloodbathed the 217 military gangs in order to avenge Hani, and so on, which shows how precarious and uncertain their rule is. brighter summer as an english title Day, also a famous song by Elvis, is deeply loved by the teenagers of the Little Park gang, adding a touch of romance to this juvenile photo composed of foul language and fighting. This song, which often appears in the film, is gentle and sweet, but it seems to be a discordant note. Why is this? The director is not a warm poet, he always faces the truth. So we saw that Hanedi and Kitten, who were affectionately facing the microphone on the stage, got off the stage, and immediately responded with swear words to fight. The huge contrast between them formed a tension. It gave youth a cruel truth. It's romance intertwined with rudeness, indistinguishable from each other. Violence and romance were originally the primary colors of teenagers. Violence stems from a deep sense of insecurity. And romance is the foundation of youth. Kitten sent the tape to Elvis and received a reply. Did the dream come true? No, because he is Yang Dechang, he doesn't believe in those fluffy warmth, those bubbles of hope, he loves tragedy. So the tape of Kitten telling Xiao Si about this was thrown into the trash by the correctional staff. The dream is so vulnerable in the face of reality, how ridiculous. Xiao Si's father and son were pushing the car on the road. The father said that he had read a lot of books and wanted to find a truth, but he couldn't be brave enough to believe it. What's the point of being a human being. He also said to his son that the future depends on your efforts, and you have to have confidence in yourself. It seems so pale and powerless if it is so self-contradictory. Adults can't find their way, so what can children do? It is the confusion of an era and a tragedy brought to a generation of teenagers. No matter how the director reflected deeply, pretending to be disdainful like a half-baked teenager, we still deeply felt his memories of that era. It's like a yellowed old photo that someone will dig out and touch. No matter how old it is, that was our life. It is the confusion of an era and a tragedy brought to a generation of teenagers. No matter how the director reflected deeply, pretending to be disdainful like a half-baked teenager, we still deeply felt his memories of that era. It's like a yellowed old photo that someone will dig out and touch. No matter how old it is, that was our life. It is the confusion of an era and a tragedy brought to a generation of teenagers. No matter how the director reflected deeply, pretending to be disdainful like a half-baked teenager, we still deeply felt his memories of that era. It's like a yellowed old photo that someone will dig out and touch. No matter how old it is, that was our life.

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