Guling Street Teenage Murder Case

Madisen 2022-09-15 08:04:13

I tried watching "Guling Street Teenage Murder" a few times, but I couldn't read it in the same day. I watched the first half several times, but I couldn't watch the second half, because the relationship between the characters was too complicated and I didn't understand many details. , this time I finally watched it in two days and felt like I "got it". (If I had this insight before I went to Taiwan, I might have been very excited when I passed by Jianzhong, hahaha, but unfortunately I only went to the art museum near Jianzhong at that time, and did not stop in front of Jianzhong...)

Built like a church

The first time I watched it a few years ago, the biggest feeling was: Xiao Ming is so beautiful! Her face is so ethereal and timeless. In the past, I would also be like Xiao Si, I didn’t like Xiao Ming’s way of dealing with feelings so casually. But I'm only now gradually understanding Xiao Ming's emotional outlook. Being dependent on others, being helpless, and the unpredictable social situation, these factors are the source of Xiao Ming's insecurity. It is difficult for her to completely let go of her weapons and enjoy pure love. The relationship between men and women is a means of gaining benefits for her. Like it or not, in fact, for her, it is just to add a little more fun to her life. She knows very well that for herself and her mother, she should do something. what a choice. People come and go in the rivers and lakes, today one is gone, tomorrow that one is coming again, no one can protect themselves forever. She said she wanted to join the army out of a desire to control her own destiny. Although her sexual attraction allows her to choose her own backing, does this count as mastering her own destiny? No. Although the little doctor gave her benefits and helped her mother see a doctor, he finally chose to marry the granddaughter of his uncle. This kind of thing is no joke, he said. The backers who hold the power will also weigh the pros and cons. Xiao Ming's family does not prevail, and it is difficult to truly gain stability.

pear with rain

And Xiao Si and she came from different families. Although their lives are compact, they can at least take care of their food and clothing. Both parents are intellectuals, and they are in free love. He has romantic expectations for love. What Xiao Ming got from him was pure happiness. Xiao Si doesn't have much desire, but just hopes to change his sincerity. But Xiao Ming couldn't give him his sincerity. Even if there is no huge conflict between the two, it is difficult for them to live under the same roof because of their differences in values. As for Xiao Si, the boy who was eating red bean shaved ice took over the rough weapons: bricks that could not be beaten, a new bat from a classmate, stool legs like sugar cane sticks, his father said, you have to find someone to do things by yourself The truth, but the truth he believed was abandoned in the end, and a dagger stabbed at the girl in the palm of his hand... We all have such a dagger, it will pierce the gap between us and reality: many Things are not taken for granted. Parents are not the parents you imagined, and society is not the society you imagined. At the moment Xiao Ming fell to the ground, did he accept this ugly reality? The light in Xiao Si's heart suddenly disappeared. Xiao Ming's death made him considered a social threat, but what made him a social threat? Xiao Si's father is an important part of Xiao Si's spiritual world. Dad is not from the rivers and lakes, so he didn't face the bloody rain of swords and guns, but the cold arrows shot at his back were enough to destroy him. I remember the corridor full of ice the most. I think the piece of ice that hasn't melted not only alludes to the social atmosphere in which everyone was in danger at that time, but also that the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait at that time was like the ice that hasn't melted for a long time. He has changed from a blunt and conservative intellectual to a "crippled person" who can only take his anger out of his family. He is like a shrunken leaf, maintaining a weak breath in the cold wind.

ice in the hallway

The pony who rescued Xiao Si from 217 really regarded Xiao Si as his friend. Xiao Si is like a stray cat rescued from the mouth of a vicious dog. The pony gives him food, drink and fun. He just wants him to be happy, and he doesn't want to take advantage of him. And Si'er is not like the others. He is only attracted by novel playthings and blindly agrees with the pony. He has his own insistence. He retains his true temperament in front of the pony. hidden. Maybe it was because of this that the pony felt that he had really made friends. His arrogance and his face cannot be wronged at all, because he is the son of Commander Ma! He himself said that it's not a big deal to be embarrassed because of Miss, but if a friend almost died because of Miss, he would do it without hesitation, and the latter two also broke up because of Xiao Ming. But is it really just because of Xiao Ming? The treatment that Xiaoma enjoys is something that Xiao Si can't get even if he takes a path of keeping his duty. And then there's Elvis, whose persistence got him Elvis' ring. As long as you want to do it, there will inevitably be echoes, and the director still gave us a glimmer of hope. But when he wanted to share the joy with his friends, his tapes were thrown into the trash. I would wonder if some of my unintentional actions might kill "beauty" just like this person. This tape reminds me of my brother's singing in "Merry Christmas on the Battlefield", they are all proof of the existence of "beauty" in the world. I didn't watch a few movies seriously before college, and my family didn't like going to the cinema, and none of my friends particularly liked movies. This four-hour movie must have been unbearable for me as a high school student at the time, hahaha. It’s a pity, though, that if I could have formed my own opinion at that time, I could compare it with my current thinking. The first time I watched it was in 19 years, when I was going to Taiwan to play, I just wanted to learn something, because I felt that going sightseeing with some emotions would be more immersive. But at that time, I didn’t feel much after eating it, because I still couldn’t understand many things: the contradiction between different groups of people in Taiwan, the understanding of love, the role of masculinity in interpersonal communication... Two years later, with the change of social atmosphere Changes, the increase in the amount of reading, my own experience in relationships, and exchanges with other people, I can gradually understand some of the emotions in the film.

Haney back in Taipei

The whole film is shrouded in a depressing atmosphere, although sometimes there are some beautiful moments, but these beautiful moments are always destroyed. As an audience, I can feel this ubiquitous melancholy. At the same time, I also think that it is difficult for us to make a generalization about our experience in a certain life like shooting a movie. Our evaluation of ourselves is always limited to limited memory fragments. No one came to tell me that I had a miserable or good life, that my quality of life was judged by my standards, and that changes in the social atmosphere affected me secretly and unknowingly. But the movie can let you feel what the overall tonality of the society at that time is by describing the fate of the individual. We are all alive, so why do we experience so much differently? This experience of detachment enables our minds to accommodate the various particles in the world.

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