"Tribe of the Deaf and Mute": Cruel Youth in a Silent World

Johann 2022-09-23 13:08:33

Deaf-mute people, few people in this group may be able to reach. The reason why this movie calls their living environment "tribes" means that they are completely isolated from a society controlled by healthy people. Few of us understand their language, and their psychology is different from that of healthy people. . This film just gives us this opportunity to get close to the group of deaf-mute people. The actors in this film are all deaf-mute actors, and the environment is the deaf-mute school where most deaf-mute people live and study. The film has no lines or music, and is completely narrated by sign language. Due to its unique viewing experience and the objective and calm observation of the deaf-mute, the film won the highest award of the critics' biweekly at the Cannes Film Festival last year.

This film is very fresh, because all the tearing and all the dialogue in the film is all sign language. When I first watched it, the author really didn’t know what they were going to do. Some critics also said that “understanding depends on Meng”. Fortunately, the story of the film is not very complicated. Enough audiovisual language can indeed make up for the lack of dialogue and inconvenience in narration. The problem. The film did not emphasize the help and influence of the able-bodied on the deaf and mute like those public welfare propaganda films, but explored the group life of the deaf and mute. The film does not directly confront the society’s social rejection of the deaf and mute. However, at the beginning of the film, a 2-minute long lens is used to describe the scene of the deaf and mute asking for directions. The deaf and mute communicate through sign language and writing, which is often difficult for healthy people. Understand, communication efficiency is very low. In the movie, these deaf-mute young people live completely in a small circle like a school for the deaf and mute, with little contact with the outside world. Their careers have been planned by the school, and they have no choice in life. As a result, deaf-mute people often lack understanding of society. Introverted personalities such as "hostility" and "inferiority" are common, and this group can easily go to extremes.

The model of this movie is very similar to other youth gang films, and it is also about the career of a rookie who has just intermingled among the gangs. However, compared with the ordinary young Afei who went astray only because of his family's restraint of youth and rebellion, the only way to survive in a school for the deaf and mute is to sell sex by men and women. This kind of society is very cruel, and the weak feeds on the strong, just like a primitive society. In the film, when the protagonist prepares to eat his first meal in school, his food is taken away calmly by the fat man opposite. The gangs want to obtain food and money, all of which are obtained by attacking and carrying passersby. From these things, we can see that deaf-mute people have no counterparty, only themselves. In such a team, whoever is strong and who is weak is obtained by force. The first thing our protagonist does after entering the gang is a contest. All the food and drink are occupied by the upper class of the gang, because these people have no verbal ability to argue. If anyone enjoys something exclusively, the people at the top of the gang do not have the verbal lessons that normal people should have from the people at the bottom of the gang, and they fought and kicked, which shows that the entire gang has obvious hierarchical management.

The protagonist in the film also has love, but similar to the regular youth gang film, love becomes a victim of gang activities. There are two very naked sex scenes in the film, proving the relationship between the protagonist and his girlfriend, and even his girlfriend tried to be pregnant during a visit to the bathroom. However, the gang organized her to immigrate to Italy, which led to the disintegration of the protagonist and the entire gang. The film ended up with a lot of bloody passages. In terms of visual effects, the film’s information was carried by a large number of long shots, and a large number of follow-up shots were used to capture the restless gang activities, which was very pornographic and violent. It is rare to see scenes directly depicting women going to the toilet and women having artificial abortions in the film. This film allows you to watch enough at a time.

In fact, the life and living conditions of impaired people have been a very common theme in the domestic and foreign film circles in recent years. Last year, two films showed the lives of blind people, and both gained good reputation. In Lou Ye's "Tuina", a subjective scene of the blind regaining vision is very stunning, and the love, hatred and hatred within the blind society are also very objective. The Norwegian "Blind Vision" subjectively analyzes the blind people's worldview constructed by imagination. Compared with the correct worldview of ordinary people, everything is broken and broken. This film turns the cold scenes into the lives of deaf-mute people, prying into their inferiority and paranoia hearts due to social isolation. Although they are at a certain distance from us, they are with us. I only hope that more people in the society care about them and don't let them fall into the prison of crime.

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