Coppola's self-entertainment after retirement-"twixt"

Noemie 2022-10-07 22:50:16

Coppola has been a great director for more than 10 years. If we didn't have these independently produced small films to keep us entertained, we would have forgotten him and his former glory a long time ago.
It is true that such small films cannot be compared with "The Godfather" and "Apocalypse Now", and we cannot cruelly say that Coppola is exhausted. We can only lament the premature glory, which means a longer period of low ebb and loneliness.
Fortunately, Coppola has finally adjusted his mentality in recent years, and the prize that should be won has been handed long ago, and it should have been indisputable long ago. After experiencing the failure and cynicism of "Youth Without Youth"; the literary sorrow of "Tetrow", with high and low tunes, Coppola made a B-level horror film such as "twixt" on a smaller scale. The spirit, the old man's attitude, is touching.
The Chinese name "Now and Before Sunrise" is so bad and weird, it is better to translate it directly into "Twisted". The film is said to be derived from a nightmare of the old man. So the plot is of course unconstrained and unconstrained. But it mainly revolves around the death of a girl v. The film is divided into two parts: reality and illusion, the real part is dimly yellow and nostalgic, and the illusion part is partially stained in black and white. At first glance, it seems deliberate, but when I look at it, I feel a bit of Gothic poetry in certain passages of "The Four Hundred Years of Surprise". In the film, Ellen Poe, the ancestor of the Goths, is moved in, so why not, it's just a dream anyway!
The theme of the film is very complicated, the main ones are the father's guilt for the unfortunate death of his daughter in reality, and the strangulation of human nature by extreme religiousism in the dream. But in the end, reality and dreams were conflated. It turns out that the entire film is a work written by the author, and this work is based on real sins in reality. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not.
"Twixt" is obviously a playful work, mixed with blood and cruel, weird Gothic clock tower, non-mainstream ghosts, alcoholic writers, and wonderful villains. In short, it is an exquisite sketch, worthy of repeated recollection.
It is worth mentioning that Bruce Dunn's performance is very exciting, sometimes stereotyped and funny, sometimes hysterical, which is unforgettable.

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Twixt quotes

  • Poe: During the brightest days of her unparalleled beauty, I loved her. Not as the living and breathing Virginia, but as the Virginia of the dream.

  • Poe: Our work must be the grave that we prepare for its lovely talent.