Love and tragedy

Jordane 2022-12-15 15:15:11

Her name is Tia Durer, and she is usually called Terrige. She was originally a carefree girl in a small town. She should have lived an ordinary life like an ordinary person, but she couldn’t do it. When she arrived, her hometown was attacked by insect bombs, and her parents were unfortunately killed. From then on, she vowed to kill all the insects she saw, even if she was alone, using the gun left by her parents! She resolutely joined the mobile infantry alone. No one knows how many ordeals she has gone through after killing more than four hundred insects.
She has a strong heart under her weak and beautiful appearance, allowing her to use her gun to cover the retreat of her teammates alone outside the starship. Even if countless insects roar towards her, she has been alone until At that moment of life and death, a hand gripped her tightly, and Otis Haggs, nicknamed the insecticide, pulled her back from the brink of death, "thanks" and "anytime". There are only two words. How much emotion does the dialogue contain? Maybe at that moment, when they didn't notice that look, they had fallen in love with each other deeply.
In the dormitory, Otis stared into Tia's eyes. "As a soldier, your smile is so beautiful." "Thank you." Yes, to fall in love with someone, you only need a look. After the two lingering affectionately talked about their love, Trigg told Otis the secret in her heart, that painful memory, Otis did not say much, he just held Trigg in his arms and hugged him. It's tighter, as if telling Trigg—I'm there.
Before leaving, Trigg found Otis, "If I die, I am not worried about my body, but please help me bring the scope back and bury it in my hometown." "Then you do me a favor too. , Come back alive.” Maybe other people didn't feel it when they saw it, but I deeply understood the meaning of the phrase "return alive"-if you die, I won't live alone.
After a series of changes, the team was forced to desperate by the queen of bugs. After she decided to kill the bugs alone, Otis wanted to go with her, but Tregg refused, "You can't get in, right?" But is Otis really unable to get in? It's just that he knew that Terrige had decided, and he had no way to change anything. Soldiers were sometimes involuntarily on the battlefield, but she didn't expect that Terrigg's playful smile before he left was actually seen by him. At her last glance, when they met again, they were already separated by Yin and Yang.

Trigger failed. She fought dozens of bugs alone in that corridor, and was finally outnumbered, and she died. She used to think that she didn't care about life and death anymore, but at the moment before she died, she realized that now she didn't want to die. I don't know what she was thinking at this time. Maybe she was unwilling, regretful, afraid, but I think she feels more apologetic, "I'm sorry, pesticides, I still failed to comply with our agreement." She smiled and closed her eyes, and two lines of tears slowly slid down her handsome face. "In the next life," Goodbye"


I often think about what kind of turbulence the pesticide will make when he hears Trigg’s screams. I think for him, regret and self-confidence are the most important Blame it, regret letting her take the risk by herself, regret not being with her.
Otis finally found Trigg. She sat quietly in the corner with her head down as usual, but this time, she could no longer raise her head and smile at Otis, Otis just felt His heart was broken, but his wailing wailing could no longer recall the shocking smile. I could feel the grief of pesticides, and I wrote that tears had broken the bank at this time.
The agreement between them was not broken. Pesticide took her gun and fought her to the last moment. Otis fell and fell on the side of Tregg. When he fell, he used With all my strength, I looked at Trigger and at the face he loved so much. I knew that he must be very calm at this time. "Tia, I abide by our agreement, I'm here to accompany you." He The light in the eyes gradually dissipated, and the pupils were set against Treeg’s drooping face
. The last fragment of insecticide’s mind was Treeg’s smile.
"As a soldier, your smile is so beautiful." "Thank you."

After watching this movie, my heart is very heavy. Death is an eternal topic. Everyone can't escape it. It's just a different way and time. Although Tia and Otis are only small supporting roles in this film, their poignant love story deeply touched me. They didn’t have many shots, but every time they went abroad, the images of the two were fuller. , It makes me seem to see two people who are really flesh and blood. Perhaps their death does not affect the progress of the plot, but it adds a touch of tenderness to the bloody and cruel style of this film, and of course there is also a touch of sadness.
In the film review of "Star Wars" in 1997, a senior wrote that love is the main line of the movie. I think that in the invasion, love is a hidden main line, although the description of this hidden line in the film is not perfect. After reading it twice, I have a new understanding of Trigger and pesticides, and this is why I have the previous text. Every look in their eyes, every conversation, every detail touches me deeply. Maybe it’s the reason why I have had a similar experience, so their stories have a sense of substitution for me, and this is also due to the high level. Cg technology.
Not all love stories have a happy ending. The reality is always cruel. Perhaps for them, silence is the best way to say goodbye. The words are
incoherent. Please forgive me
only for this article to commemorate the sacrificed Trigger and Insecticide

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Extended Reading

Starship Troopers: Invasion quotes

  • Carmen Ibanez: You know, if I wanted to run this much, I would have joined the mobile infantry.

  • Carmen Ibanez: How did the cannons fire? And why target our own ship?

    Hero: Jenkins tried to warn us.

    Carmen Ibanez: Carl is alive?

    Hero: Locked himself in a bug cage.

    Carmen Ibanez: And you're just now telling me this?

    Hero: Look, captain, if you're ready for a full debriefing, I'm all for it.

    Bugspray: Hero.

    Hero: Jenkins found a queen on Fort Casey. He ordered us to capture it alive.

    Carmen Ibanez: What the...?

    Ratzass: Tell her the rest, major.

    Carmen Ibanez: Yes, major. Tell me the rest of it.

    Hero: I knew trying to take the queen would result in heavy casualties. I wasn't gonna sacrifice my men for a bug hunt.

    Carmen Ibanez: So that's why he had you arrested. But he got the queen after all. Wait a minute. How the hell can a bug control a starship?

    Hero: You're gonna have to ask Jenkins that.