S5E8|Only Rick

Dillan 2022-12-24 13:18:37

Ratings are for a single episode.

The analysis of AI at the beginning is worth pondering carefully, but to put it simply, Birdman's consciousness hid in his own subconscious, so in the continuous complaints of AI, Rick sent his consciousness into Birdman's memory.

In Birdman's memory world, there are Birdmen of all stages of life, there is 35-year-old Rick, there is Tammy who has not revealed his identity, there are gear people, shit Guage...

And when the 35-year-old Rick (referred to as Rick_B) met the real Rick (referred to as Rick_R), a strange metaphor happened - Rick_B was created by the bird's consciousness, but the behavior logic was close to Rick_R, so he was like The "child" born with the consciousness of the birdman as the gestation and the consciousness of Rick_R as the gift. On the other hand, Rick_R is not only confronting his past self, he is also forced to accept a kind of 'father' symbol.

Rick_R subconsciously avoided this symbol. As for the reason, you can see Rick_B's question: "Are you a pervert who moved to live with Beth?" Then he asked, "You moved to live with your dead daughter?" Rick_R did not deny it. , let's reorganize the story line:

1. In S3E1, the federal government hypnotized Rick_R in order to steal the recipe for the portal. In the memory, Rick_R's wife and daughter were killed by the bomb together. This might actually happen.

2. In S1E6, Morty got Jessica's love with the potion invented by Rick_R, but because of the flu, the earthlings in the C137 universe became monsters. Rick_R took Morty from the C137 universe to another parallel universe.

Combining the above two points, Rick_R originally belonged to neither the current universe nor the C137 universe. After he lost his wife and daughter, he came to the C137 universe. He arrived in the present universe only after the earthlings of the C137 universe turned into monsters

As for the clone of Beth, whether it is a clone of Beth in the C137 universe or a clone of Beth in the current universe, the screenwriter did not give a clear hint. In general, Rick is not a good father. If it weren't for the portal technology, he would no longer be a father, let alone Morty's existence. If the above speculation is in line with the screenwriter's setting, then "Rick and Morty" can be renamed "Rick and Portal", or "Rick and Rick", or "Only Rick", "Rick Alone"...

Well, let's go back to this episode, the next dialogue between Rick_R and Rick_B is equally "moving":

"You are me, and you will be like me sooner or later."

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of."

"You caused me to become like this, you are not my fault, I am yours."

The two pass the blame on each other, as Rick_B asks when they first meet: "Am I sentient? Do I have free will?" They say in unison "Who has?" Although they don't believe in free will, Rick_R is still active Rescue the Birdman's consciousness, Rick_B is also actively avoiding becoming the same as Rick_R (the future does not exist for Rick_B until he drills into Rick_R's consciousness, and he has won a future). They are equally nihilistic, and they are equally battling the existence of nihility.

The back is a memory of Bloody Ridge, explaining Rick_R's friendship with Birdman gaygay.

"I can take you to a universe that lost a war, or a universe that won a war, or a universe that didn't, and they're just as real and just as unreal."

"Then why are you helping me?"

"Because I respect you....you are very important to me."

"But it's not worth my chastity."

"It's not that complicated..."

"If you need me, signal."

"Yes, I will send a signal, I hope the signal will not be broken."

He obviously cares a lot, but when he is misunderstood, he acts nonchalantly. Typical Rick style. Of course, Rick also has his own little selfishness.

A decent episode so far. After reading the argument that I just want to put down all ideologies, maybe love is the city wall against the invasion of nothingness.

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Mort Dinner Rick Andre quotes

  • Jerry Smith: [on phone] Hello, police? A strange horny ocean man is on my lawn.

  • [the police arrive to arrest Mr Nimbus]

    Mr. Nimbus: Fight!

    [the police fight each other]

    Mr. Nimbus: Fuck!

    [the police stop fighting and start making out]

    Mr. Nimbus: Flee!

    [the police stop everything and escape]