Just like the article I read in the third year of junior high school, Xiang Yu said to Yu Ji: "When I first saw you I know what you will take away from me." The foreshadowing was buried until Xiang Yu committed suicide and said, "It was tears that were taken away."
Jane Eyre brought hope and happiness to an unhappy person, her Robster Sir.
I have always been looking forward to the horror scene of the male protagonist's wife tearing up Jane Eyre's wedding dress in the middle of the night, as well as Jane Eyre's classic line: "Because I am ugly and poor, don't you feel it?" And the last priest Xiang Jane When Ai proposed, Jane Eyre heard Robster's cry but did not agree, and went back to find him. It's all the episodes I remember when I first watched the original years ago.
However, these episodes are not more emotional. On the contrary, other details, such as how Jane Eyre was a competent tutor, and how every time something happened on a very scary night, because she cared about them, she rushed out decisively, and she was with her friend Helen. The warmth, forgiveness of my aunt's generosity, and finally, the words of comforting my lover made me fall in love with her, the strong and daring Jane.
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