If you also like to set up flag

Adelbert 2022-12-30 14:40:41

The most impressive is the youngest daughter in the movie. The title of "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" also comes from the flag she set.

The youngest daughter is a rebellious adolescent girl, living a life of ignorance. She only wants to let the boy she likes help her because she thinks it's cool. One day she set up a flag, something like "From this day on, I must make a change and live a good life", but life did not change significantly because of her flag. She is still quarreling with her parents, she is still obsessed with scumbags, and she still lives in a mess; shitty things are still happening, and she has always tolerated the scumbag who loved his father who died in a car accident and had no responsibility until she slept. After dumping her, she was finally not a virgin but regretted what she gave and could never come back. In short, although there are many holes, slowly, the heroine's life has returned to the right track little by little. When she looks back, she finds that since she set up the flag, her life has been changing in the direction she wanted, for the rest of her life. the first day.

Since then, I also like to set up flags, I like to say to myself - "what am I going to do from today", "this is the first day of the rest of my life". At this time, an inexplicable emotion quietly sprouted in my heart. I often console myself that the first day of the rest of my life has already begun. I don’t expect my life to change immediately, but I still can’t help but think, when will I know that I have taken the right step at that time?

There are two songs in the movie that are particularly good. The first song is when the heroine walks into the room and is about to lose her virginity. She seems to see blood flowing from the room, and she also seems to see a completely different, innocent and innocent self when she was a child, David Bowie's " "Time" sounded, and it was amazingly beautiful——

Time - He's waiting in the wings He speaks of senseless things His script is you and me, boys His script is you and me, young man
Time - He flexes like a whore Falls wanking to the floor His trick is you and me, boy
Time - In Quaaludes and red wine Demanding Billy Dolls And other friends of mine And other friends of mine Take your time

The second song is the theme song of the same name of the film, "le premier jour du reste de ta vie", sung by Etienne Daho, with a warm and moving voice——

Un matin comme tous les autres A morning as usual Un nouveau pari A new bet Rechercher un peu de magie Dans cette inertie morose finds magic in this melancholy malaise

Are you ready for the first day of the rest of your life?

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