Born into the sun, the most beautiful sci-fi suspense drama in northern Europe is right

Malachi 2022-10-13 01:12:53

A trip to Iceland in one drama, 8 episodes of stories to taste the diversity of values

The Nordic people give me the impression that they always have a calmness to the unknown of nature and indifference to life and death. This regional character is accompanied by the value choice of each character in this drama.

If we don’t go out of our normal thinking mode to watch this show, it is very likely that the decision-making of the characters in it is a bug of the plot. For example, I don't understand why I didn't kill her when another one appeared, but chose to use the Russian turntable to decide who to go and who to stay. In my opinion, this is the equality they uphold. This is not a life-and-death struggle for interests, but When I meet a better self, in this mirrored life, I want this imperfect self to accompany my husband to complete the value of life, or I want the better self. I'm also confused, and I don't want to be selfish and just want to survive. My embarrassment is destined to be another embarrassment for myself. So we take a gamble and believe that God has his own decision. A lot of people here say that the ending is that the new grima survived, I don't agree. Read it over and over again at the end:

[The argument is as follows]

There is one bullet in 6 ballistics, and one person fires one shot at a time.

The first is the original grima in a flesh-colored vest

The fifth round should be the original grima, but there is a frame editing error here. The flesh-colored vest picks up the gun in the previous frame and the blue vest shoots in the second frame, which is misleading for many babies. In fact, the original wear beige grima in the 5th round of empty guns

Sixth round blue suit's new grima shot

Starting from the screenwriter's emotional line, it should also be the original to stay, the theme setting is redemption rather than killing replacement; the reason why grima didn't tie up her hair in the last scene was just because she knew that the person she loved liked it, and she also wanted to live a good life .

There are also questions about why my sister finally came back and let her commit suicide. But these questions are also given vague answers one by one in the play. This is also what makes this soft sci-fi obsessed. As the play said, "every story has a basis". Regarding the death of my sister, some friends also said that it was murder. I believe it was an accident, not a murder. It was only because the car rolled over and injured her leg bone, so she climbed back to the base hut by herself in the heavy snow, but since the people had been evacuated, she had nowhere to rescue her and wanted to break into the hut by breaking the window. died. After waking up, I remember the injection plot. It is speculated that I injected myself with painkillers after the injury.

In short, the story of Solaris, which happened on Earth, makes every character have snow and meat. The combination of these legends + ten thousand years of glaciers + volcanoes and the mysterious elements of white snow creates a magical stage with a sense of substitution. Every audience is also on the stage, using evaluation, contempt, anger, and puzzlement to participate in this big drama of life .

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