The feeling of wanting to swim in the deep sea

Peggie 2022-09-24 00:46:14

In high school Chinese class, the teacher asked: How do you feel when facing the sea? I answer: fear. This is not a joke, it stems from my experience of sailing in the sea when I was a child: in the dark night, there is nothing on the dark sea, which is suffocating, and the fear seeps out through the hair. But the strange thing is that I am very interested in playing at the beach: walking barefoot on the beach, picking up shells, lying on the beach and letting the tide hit my body again and again; Feel the sun shining on the body... yearning for the sea but always wandering around it, just like a young child surrounded by a teacher but dare not answer her.

It wasn't until last year that I really touched the sea for the first time: on the beach in Cebu, I couldn't resist the temptation of deep diving, and I was accompanied by a local diving teacher into the water. The moment I went out to sea, I regretted it, I couldn't imagine the pressure of diving below 18 meters and the lack of breath due to the tension: I didn't learn how to use the mouthpiece to breathe until just now! I think I'm crazy. But God seemed to want to play tricks on me severely: it rained heavily not long after the ship set off, and the 45-degree angle of the rain whip slapped me hard and seemed to laugh at my self-control. I shivered, and couldn't stop cursing in my heart: What a fool. But there is no turning back. Under the guidance of the teacher, I flipped into the water one by one. I broke the mouthpiece due to my excessive tension. I shouted "broken" and the teacher immediately replaced me with another one. I was pulled by him with an uneasy mood. When I entered the sea, my eardrums tingled instantly, and I immediately began to pinch my nose, but the next scene made me forget all of this: the world under the sea was colorful, and the scenes I saw on TV in the past now appear in real life. In front of my eyes, unlike the violent storms on the sea, the sea bottom is peaceful, and the fish seem to be unaffected by the sea and still swim freely as if they are crossing the road. At this time, I began to feel ashamed of my ignorance: I looked at these beautiful creatures with joy but did not know their names, and occasionally a few who knew their names came, just like seeing old acquaintances and feeling very happy. The teacher handed me a sea star, just like I got a baby. I think this is the memory of my close contact with the sea this time!

The more you get to know it, the more you want to know it.

That's why I went to see The Ocean.

Once I rejoiced at the dolphins dancing on the sea, now you see hundreds or even thousands of dolphins; you don't have to worry about seeing strange creatures, because they don't marvel at the presence of humans ;When the pride of human invention: ships are like unarmed children being played by the sea, you will be very envious of those marine creatures swimming and living in the ocean...

This is a good movie I saw this summer: Ocean, Creatures The eternal topic of and human beings deserves to be savoured and interpreted carefully.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.