This is harmony!

Enos 2022-11-12 09:34:10

I feel that this is the best documentary about the ocean. The filming and production process at all costs shows the audience a kind of greatness, a kind of brilliance, and a kind of tolerance. Gorgeous swimming with beautiful music, like all things dancing together. Regardless of the type, regardless of size, get along so harmoniously.
Compared with this greatness, we humans are simply filthy and weak, and we are delusional to control the ocean like a man's arm. In the scene of fishing, the cruel behavior combined with the aggressive music made people uncomfortable and guilty.
Just two days ago, I saw a variety show in Japan. There was a spoof game in it, which was to eat raw octopus. The small octopus that was still crawling in the fish tank was lifted out, placed on the chopping board and cut into pieces, and the tentacles were still squirming! Then the little girl who was spoofed clipped a paragraph into her mouth, and this paragraph kept crawling around her mouth. In the end, she chewed everything that crawled on her mouth, saying it tasted good. I was about to collapse. Think of the Japanese fishermen in the film who cut off the fins and tails of baby sharks, and then threw the remaining parts back into the ocean! The little shark could no longer swim, and it sank to the bottom of the sea, blood gushing up from the wound as it twisted in pain! ...
It's not that I'm anti-Japanese, but are they dehumanized? How would it feel if a person had his arms and legs cut off and then abandoned by the roadside? ! If the girl were given a taste of her fingers that were still moving, how would she feel?
We know from Dolphin Bay that international organizations stipulate that animals must be killed quickly with sharp tools to reduce the suffering of animals. This may be a little psychological compensation and comfort that we humans do for our own carnivorous behavior. I'm not a vegetarian either, and scolding them may mean laughing at a hundred paces. The law of nature is the law of nature. As an advanced species with a sense of thought and morality, such beast-like behavior should stop!
The film makes us feel the magnificence of the ocean, the harmony of nature, and the insignificance of human beings! We are just one part, that's all!

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.