When can people stop being so arrogant, maybe they can see the world that surrounds them

Bonita 2022-11-21 03:02:24

Give a very high score, for the limited beauty of the film.
Noncommittal about those didactic parts.

That's the blue you like, and the blue goes from light to dark with the depth of the water.
There are also deep-sea animals and big whales in the sea that fascinate you deeply.
It is people who do not want to lose this ocean,
so honestly say that please leave this ocean for yourself,
instead of always saying to save the earth The
earth without you is still Turning

people always think that they are the masters of nature and
that they are the highest, and living
things think that everything in the world is always born for themselves.

If we overestimate ourselves
in the eyes of other creatures, we are only supporting roles in the
vicissitudes of life. If one day it can be controlled by human beings,
life will still be full of joys and sorrows, full of unstoppable desires.
You can't control yourself yet.

The so-called protection of the earth, the earth is crying, but people are crying. In
another way, the earth is still
barren or barren, just like the ice age or the extinction
of the dinosaurs. There is no ocean, people
have to live and there are no people, and the earth still turns
even if it does not turn. The world still exists as it is.

So be religious, let yourself be one of the thousands of creatures, and at least don't lose your awe before the nature you don't understand. You are not the ruler of the world appointed by the Creator, and you are just living around you like dust.

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.