Humans are the most redundant creatures in the world.

Camron 2022-09-27 17:03:53

When I watch "Ocean", I feel like I'm in a church. Although in fact I just locked myself in the dark of the little dark room enjoying a blue. Or the French people.

Another worthy film. To be honest, there's one thing I've longed for for a long time, watching a good movie and standing up and applauding with the audience at the end of the show.

It's a pity I haven't seen a movie worth doing in the cinema.

- Humans are the most redundant creatures in the world.

I'm going to rant! Idiot Zhou Li has been releasing such a good movie for hundreds of years without blocking and releasing some scumbags like "Love in the City" and "Season of the Witch".

I blame myself! Poly has been scheduled for a few days, but I didn't have enough money to watch it! What a precious opportunity I missed! ! !

So when Mr. Liu Yue recommended it, I had a conditioned reflex.

This magnetic baritone attracts me, well, although I don't understand *(&¥%...¥ least it's much more useful to me than that animal world with Zhao Zhongxiang's standard yellow-throat swollen voice-over

My heart was clenched at the very beginning . Grandpa Turtle's desperate eyes made me think it wasn't a rocket or an atomic bomb to bomb this place...

Thriller, the bird was like a group of bullets that hit the water in the landing battle of Saving Private Ryan. The team plunged vertically into the water to hit all kinds of fish><.

Thousands of hermit crabs fought on the seabed.. The duel between lobster and crab is completely the dubbing of kung fu movie

. Cute, so cute, so cute , I feel like he is like the protagonist with his head sideways and looking at the camera affectionately =w=The

turtles run away!! Haha, the pose is so cute>
Those crystal clear jellyfish, swaying sea snakes? Wow, sea snakes are so trendy, they are kawaii with black dots on a white background!!

Speeding dolphins Elegant whale sharks..

Fishing nets .




Sharks without dorsal fins and tails plunge straight into the sea like a stick. He struggled to breathe, like howling HELPHELP.

Countless dolphins neighed and wriggled to be killed in the air and thrown back into the water. Japanese jokes.

What a tolerant seawater, silently swallowing scarlet blood, silently accepting foul-smelling waste water, living seals can't breathe in the garbage.

The North and South Pole, the last pure land in the world.

Pure white, a little melting.

Sea lions hold their babies, gently stroke, kiss, and what is the difference between humans.

With global warming and the opening of shipping routes, the last piece of beauty in the entire world will also fall.


marine life specimens. The narration keeps repeating the same words "Extinct." "Extinct." "Extinct."

In Chinese - "Eat." "Eat." "Eat."

"Forced Dead." "Driven to death." "Driven to death."

- "Murderer."

The sensation of Dolphin Cove. The shock of "Food Company". Every desperate look.

Decided to be a semi-vegan.

Tell me about your little environmental protection habits, hoping to affect more than 20 people - this is one of the things that students in the experimental system have to do.

Bring your own chopsticks when dining out.

I use synthetic materials, as well as stainless steel folding spoons, which I carry with me for more than two years, as anyone who knows me knows.

Especially the pastry king and Shaxian next to Shenzhong are all wooden chopsticks, which is very hateful.

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.