I won't talk about it, you look at them and think about it, okay?

Ariel 2022-10-21 20:56:13

"Ocean" is the movie that has caused me the most emotional ups and downs in recent years. Now that it is almost two weeks away from watching the movie, the fiery feelings are slowly receding, and it is time to think about what is left. This film undoubtedly wears a halo: the latest masterpiece of the famous French documentary director Jacques Behan, costing 75 million US dollars, took four and a half years to complete, and used the world's most professional underwater shooting team, and so on. Too often, however, a posh lineup is just crap, if it doesn't have a soul. So, where is that little touch of heart?

Perhaps it is its restrained lingering feelings in the face of the ocean. The director does a great job of showing the subtle scale of human atrocities. This film uses 90% of the space to describe the amazing beauty of the ocean and the wonderful life of marine life, and only uses a small, very small space to talk about human hunting marine life and hunting sharks. However, when I saw how nimble and agile fish swam to the net and turned back and forth, and saw the simple and honest-looking sea turtle biting the net in vain with its mouth, and then hung stiffly on the net; The shark had its dorsal, lateral and caudal fins removed by humans, and was thrown back into the water, shaking and sinking in pain, and it didn't understand why it was so cruelly treated and could only struggle to die in pain; I Feel intense pain and shame. That's it for just a few minutes of bloody footage.

Since then it is still a sea of ​​vitality. However, at this time, no matter how vast and powerful the sea was, and no matter how carefree and heartless the animals were, it was no longer the same. Because I saw the fragility of the sea. Such beauty in the shadow of man is heartbreaking. The sea lions are still clumsily moving their round bodies to play in the water, the seabirds are still dexterously diving into the water again and again; the polar bears leap on the snow-covered stones; There is almost no power to fight back in the face of cruelty. The director seems to be saying: I won't talk about it, you look at them and think about it, okay?

This tolerance and restraint is admirable. Many films that are expected to cause reflection, such as "Nanjing! Nanjing! ", like "Dolphin Cove", are a little rushed to express, which makes people feel a little too uncomfortable. And "Ocean" has this rare quality. A lot of kids are watching this movie! When the show was over, a child behind me said, "Mom, I'll never eat fish again." I think the director would explain to her that eating fish doesn't matter, just like sea birds fishing, big fish eat small fish In the same way, nature has prepared plenty of food for everyone; however, you must not chase things beyond your needs because of greed and bad vanity, such as shark fins, animal skins, and various so-called rare foods.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.