Symbiosis with the Ocean - Watching "The Ocean"

Olin 2022-11-29 23:01:45

When watching "Ocean", it has been nearly 3 months since the oil spill in China's Bohai Sea, and the oil has spread in the vast ocean. A serious pollution of the ocean oil spill, the party responsible for the final silent response. During this period, there were many cases of bizarre deaths of fish and shellfish on the coast of the Bohai Bay.

We cannot accurately estimate the repair capacity of marine biological systems. Sometimes, humans prefer to use this rhetoric to make excuses for what they want. Today, human beings are relying on their powerful scientific and technological strength to unscrupulously exploit marine resources, which in turn has caused a devastating blow to the marine ecological environment. According to a report on the quality of China's marine environment released by the State Oceanic Administration in 2010, the highly vulnerable and medium-vulnerable areas in the marine belt have accounted for 36.5% of the country's total coastline.

As a documentary, "Ocean" took four years to shoot, and it still continued the delicate and aesthetic style of Jacques Behan. At the same time, it added a popular theme: protect the ocean, protect the environment, and protect the nature.

Today, the pace of human exploration into space is getting bigger and bigger, but there are still many unknowns about the deep ocean. If you ask what the ocean is, I think most people would say: vast, deep, mysterious... yes, mysterious.

The film uses 2/3 of the time to tell the mystery and beauty of the ocean. The film does not hesitate to show any detail in the deep sea. All kinds of new creatures appeared, and the children and adults in the movie hall were amazed and guessed "what is this, what is that"... The little boy next to me can always locate all kinds of creatures at the first time, completely one Popular science expert.

"Ocean" uses the lens to show the biological laws of big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimp in the underwater world... and more interesting things you don't know. Big fish and small fish are not necessarily just the relationship between predators and prey. Small fish swim under sharks. Children ask, "Aren't sharks carnivorous?" fish out. We grew up watching "Jaws" and always thought that sharks were cruel and ferocious. In fact, it is not. It is said that most species of sharks do not eat people, and only 20 to 30 species of sharks such as great white sharks and tiger sharks can eat people. In the film, the diving researcher swims with the shark, in perfect harmony! Have you seen the war of the crabs? Imagine the confrontation between the two armies on the ancient battlefield, or recall the scene of the two sides fighting with each other in "The Lord of the Rings". The movie tells you that the war of the crab tribe is the same. Thousands of crabs look like the same. The opposing sides formed so that the two armies faced each other. The adults and children burst into laughter. The curiosity was "they all look the same. If they collided with such a large group, can they still tell who is who?" Well, for the time being, let's understand that there are also quite a few crabs who are afraid of the seabed being chaotic~, or can the crabs' eyes be able to distinguish the differences between their appearances and ethnic groups? There are also a variety of fish, swordfish with a sword-shaped upper jaw extending forward, colorful clownfish, sea snakes with zebra patterns, beautiful jellyfish, king crabs known as "living fossils", and sea creatures that look like prehistoric animals. Iguanas, etc., you can also see dolphins dancing on the sea. Don't look at it fat, it is the most superb dancer, it can spin 3 circles in a row. If that's not exciting enough, you can also see large groups of whales jumping and rolling on the sea, which is a spectacular scene.

In the second half of the film, the camera returns to reality. Humans discharge untreated pollutants into the blue ocean. The film selects a scene where a sea lion swims beside a discarded supermarket shopping cart, and the sea water has turned dirty yellow. The camera is floating, and not far away is the factory buildings of the industrial society.

In addition to industrial pollution, there is also excessive human predation. shows the cruelty of human beings cutting shark fins. In reality, although most countries in the world have banned commercial whaling since 1986, Japanese fishermen are still encouraged by the Japanese government to use "scientific investigations" as An excuse for commercial whaling. Large carnivores were slaughtered in large numbers and their numbers dwindled. Humans are no longer their trusted friends.

What is Sea World? What is the relationship between humans and the ocean? The first half of the film tells us through the pictures that the ocean world is a free and leisurely existence. For a long time, they follow the inherent biological laws and maintain the ecological balance of the ocean world. But now, humans have upset the balance. Untreated industrial waste pollutes the oceans, and overexploitation of resources threatens the existence of marine life and even leads to the permanent disappearance of some species. They evolved over millions of years, but were destroyed by decades of human overexploitation.

Today, human arrogance has reached an unprecedented height with the development of industrial technology. The close ties between humans and animals are driven by a variety of commercial interests to ignore. Because of the presence of humans, there are fewer and fewer large carnivores. Relevant research reports show that more than 60% of the known regional and global extinction of marine fish is due to overfishing. Marine life is suffering a new round of global extinction.

There is no doubt that marine organisms, like humans, are an integral part of the earth's ecosystem. But when we identify ourselves as the core of the earth, we often only focus on the economic value that marine life brings to us, and we selectively ignore the destruction of the marine world caused by human activities. Only when we place the ocean on the basis of an equal earth composition Only then will we truly feel that human beings need the ocean, and the whole earth needs the ocean-nothing is more inhuman than a world where only humans are left.

The movie finally gave hope to the sea world. The clock in the Museum of Extinct Animals points to 7:10, perhaps indicating a sense of new life. Of course, returning to reality requires each of us to do our best to care for the ocean and re-establish an environment where people and the ocean can coexist.

In addition, a small tidbit is that the old man in the film is Jacques Behan, and the little boy is Jacques Behan's son. From this, perhaps the film is to express a moral that is passed down from generation to generation.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.