In the next life, be a penguin.

Kennedy 2022-11-03 10:50:37

Since we can fight typhoons together, why can't we work together to protect the oceans?
This is one of the questions that impressed me the most about the documentary "Ocean".
Why not?
70% of the earth is the ocean, and all kinds of creatures in the ocean live in their own way.
They're the world's natural dancers
. They'll be amazed by their shape and their beautiful swimming posture. They
'll be warmed by the loving kisses between the seals.
Newborn sea turtles are constantly crawling into the sea to survive. , otherwise they will be eaten by the birds hovering above.
Sharks hunt all kinds of young fish,
crabs and shrimps fight on the bottom of the sea
. Small fish can swim around in the mouth of the big fish as a play
these are their own lives. way.
Not being cut off by humans for shark fins and struggling on the seabed
Not being tied to various ropes by humans
Not finding food in the ocean pollution caused by humans,
and not being hunted by humans and bleeding in the ocean It looks like
humans are wonderful creatures.
Their presence enriches the food chain
but disrupts a lot of the natural balance.
They took hundreds of years to evolve
and become extinct within a few decades.
How sad and ironic
that all kinds of human beings have created for their own benefit. Destruction will
pay the price sooner or later. In the

ocean is the survival stage for all kinds of fish.
They will walk thousands of kilometers in search
of food, and they will disguise themselves as an ugly stone in order to eat what they want.
They will also keep throwing away the sand that takes up space for their own houses.
They are actually the same as human beings. They are
constantly working hard for their own survival. The

two extreme places of the Antarctic and North Pole
may be the precious two remaining on this planet. It is a pure and undisturbed place where
they can sleep, play and walk in peace.
Everything is so quiet and peaceful
. I wish that there would be no shadow of human beings in their lives. I want to live in

such a pure place
. Merchant shipping and global warming impacts
, however, at least.
In a hundred years
, I can turn into a penguin, where
even a year of pure life is good.

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.