Comment on toast (the dark line is love)

Mustafa 2022-12-08 01:59:39

Two characters impressed me the most: Nigel, mrs.potter

mrs.potter is a very special "red apricot".

Generally women do such things with a purpose, such as coveting the man's money. But she came to Nigel's father, as if she took it for granted, she said, "Oh, the socks are torn, I'll mend your father's sock," and after marriage I couldn't see what purpose she had, she still Busy as ever, like a simple woman.

Still, I can conclude that she has a purpose. Nigel's dad did have something around her that attracted her.

One of the big doubts in the film is Nigel's "You are the culprit".

I think .mrs.potter did kill Nigel's dad, but she didn't realize it. She only cares about being jealous with her stepson and forgets that middle-aged people can't eat too many sweets and meat, not to mention that Nigel's father is a big fat man. Her food input is too much, and Nigel's father has high blood pressure nine times out of ten - which is why Nigel said "you are the culprit".

Then why did mrs.potter have a bad relationship with Nigel. In my opinion, it's too bad for her to show up. A child, just after the mother died, another woman appeared in the family, wearing her beloved mother's apron, doing her mother's business. Anyone can feel a sense of violation!

Secondly, the brain of mrs.potter itself is simple. When Nigel asks her how to make the lemon cake, that may be Nigel's hint of letting go, but she foolishly thinks Nigel is trying to steal her recipe and shake her status. Once the opportunity is lost, it will never come back.

Finally, the class reason for Nigel and mrs.potter. It can be seen from the film that the Nigel family should be high society, and who is mrs.potter? Just a vulgar woman living in a poor area.

Therefore, the difference in thinking and status will eventually lead to the inability of the two to integrate.

Another question: is Nigel gay?

If you look back at the movie with such doubts, your perspective is too narrow.

But since it's a film review, let's explore why Nigel likes gays? Part of it, I guess, is like he was born into food. It is not difficult to see in the movie that Nigel had a crush on the same-sex gardener since he was a child, and later kissed the male ballet dancer.

The kiss is quite gentle and pure, this is natural love.

The other part is caused by the environment. Nigel's father was very irritable with his son. Even Nigel felt that his father didn't like him. He had lacked his father's love since he was a child. Love. So it's no surprise that Nigel is gay.

Overall, it's a movie that I can watch through the night.

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Toast quotes

  • Mrs. Potter: I brought you a cup of tea, nice with a cake.

    Nigel Slater: I don't want to, I don't have to have it. I don't want you in my life anymore!

  • Nigel Slater: It is impossible not to love someone who makes toast for you.