I don't know why the rating is so low

Gennaro 2022-09-08 12:02:05

I think this is a martial arts movie full of comedy, and it is also a Jackie Chan-style movie. There are many drag racing and sparring scenes that can almost see the shadow of other movies, but it is not a complete copy, and some fresh comedy elements are added. , and there are several times that will poke the joke.

After reading other people's film reviews, the critics are in the majority, but I think everyone is too critical. This film is not good, but it can be seen that it is aimed at entertaining the public, and the actors are also very good. Desperately working hard, although there are some problems with face-lifting and fake dubbing, it is not a big problem. Please treat each movie with a correct attitude, because they are the hard work of the director, producer, screenwriter and actors. .

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