less sugar

Berneice 2022-11-27 09:29:06

The sweetest chronic killer is all around us, and sugar is more harmful than we think.
Everyone is familiar with sugar, let us understand: Humans have known to ingest sweet foods from fresh fruits, honey and plants.
Later, it was developed to make caramel from sugar cans in cereals
, and then developed to make sugar from sugar cane beets. The history of sugar production has roughly gone through three stages: early sugar production, handicraft sugar production and mechanized sugar production.
Early stage of sugar production China is one of the earliest sugar production countries in the world. The sugars made in the early stage mainly include caramel and sucrose, and caramel occupies a more important position.

The sugar that once provided nutrition and happiness has now become a product that affects human health.
There is no problem with sugar itself. The problem is that we are always unable to control ourselves, actively or passively ingesting too much sugar.
The main function of sugar is to provide heat. Each gram of glucose is oxidized in the human body to produce 4 kcal of energy, and about 70% of the energy required by the human body is provided by sugar. In addition, sugar is an important substance for building tissues and protecting liver function.

Most of the sugar people consume is obtained from refined commodities. For example: carbonated, green tea and other fruit juice drinks, cakes, etc.
Generally referred to as "sugars" usually refers to free sugars, ie added sugars, including glucose, sucrose (granulated sugar, brown sugar), syrup, etc., which belong to monosaccharides and disaccharides in chemical structure. Each gram of sugar contains about 4 calories. If you take too much and cannot consume it in time, the excess calories will be converted into fat. In addition, excessive intake of foods and drinks containing added sugar will cause blood sugar to rise rapidly, resulting in an increase in insulin in the blood; insulin will make the body store fat more efficiently, causing obesity and increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

Foods containing sugar: often refers to things with a sweet taste.
The experimenter in the film consumes sugar (sweet things, sugar-sweetened beverages, etc.) in proportion to each day, and then tests after normal activities.
Before the comparison experiment, the experimenters gained weight, increased waist circumference, and increased cholesterol and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease indicators.

Sugar is important to the human body. The human body needs it very much from a physiological point of view. After thousands of years of evolution, the human body and brain have an instinctive hobby for sugar. When they see sugar, they can't help but want to eat it. There is a long way to go to get rid of excess and use carbohydrates rationally.

Sugars do not necessarily appear as sweet things, but they can also appear as unsweet things, such as starches, which are carbohydrates in our technical term. Starch can also be decomposed into sugar; consuming a large amount of starch is also detrimental to health. In particular, people who lack nutritional knowledge and chronic intake of a single type of starch can also cause problems.
For example, in rural areas: high blood pressure started at the age of 40 in the parents’ generation, and then slowly developed into coronary heart disease. If you count the family history, you have never eaten a lot of fish and meat, and you are still engaged in manual labor. Why does the heart stenosis? , What about coronary heart disease? I'm afraid it has something to do with eating habits. A large intake of starch,

excess energy intake will be stored in the body. The storage form of energy in the human body is fat. The abnormal accumulation of fat in the body can lead to obesity and unnecessary burden on the body, and can become a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, diabetes and other degenerative diseases.
One of the reasons may be the intake of a large amount of starchy substances every day, a single diet, and less green vegetables.

1. Foods from different sources of the same calorie have different effects on the body. In the experiment, the director ate 40 tablespoons of sugar every day, and the calories generated by the human body were similar to the calories eaten before the experiment, but after 60 days, the body weight increased, the liver fat accumulated and the function declined. After the experiment, the director's recipe was replaced with lipoproteins and fresh vegetables, and the body returned to health. This shows that it is unscientific to measure the effect of food on the human body only by heat. In fact, emphasizing the effect of heat and ignoring others is an important marketing tool for food manufacturers.
2. Sugar intake can damage the liver. Sucrose is the most common sugar in food. Sucrose enters the body and is broken down into 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Glucose can be converted into energy in the liver, while fructose cannot be processed by the liver and enters the bloodstream, whereupon insulin is secreted to store sugar, and excess sugar is converted into fat and deposited in the liver and elsewhere in the body. When blood insulin levels are high, cells will not burn fat as a source of energy, further exacerbating fat accumulation. If fatty liver is formed, it may develop into diabetes if left uncontrolled.
3. Sugar can cause addictive symptoms and make people emotionally unstable. When you see something sweet, your brain releases dopamine, which urges you to eat it. When ingested sugar enters the brain, exciting chemicals are secreted that feel like drugs and sex. But the feeling of excitement will not last long, so after the mood is low, there will be a desire to eat sweets.
4. Regarding scientific research on the effects of sugar on the human body, food manufacturers will definitely create public opinion trends. It can be imagined that a certain scientist's research topic is that sugar has no obvious side effects on the human body. Food manufacturers discovered this topic and provided funding. In this way, the research of scientists is completely independent, and food manufacturers do not interfere with the research of scientists. If the final research results are established, the businessmen will definitely publicize them, otherwise they will ignore them, which can influence the public opinion on sugar. If reporters investigate, they will find no evidence of collusion between scientists and food vendors.
5. The director only conducts experiments by himself, and there are no other parallel experiments, so the conclusion that "sugar is harmful to health" cannot be fully proved. But I usually eat a lot of candy. The director has a lack of concentration during the experiment, and I feel very satisfied after eating candy. All these symptoms are also there, so I still plan to reduce the intake of sugar.

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