
2022-11-01 19:56:35

Benny played the role of McGonagall. The consequence of watching "Love Credits" first is that when I watched "Atonement", I felt that Benny continued to struggle with the male protagonist of Love Credits, and when I watched "The End of the Queue", I felt that Benny robbed his girlfriend. There are really not many good-looking actresses in the UK, and they can't compare with France. When British or French actors become famous, they all go to American movies, but there are few roles between Britain and France, which is interesting. Some are also foreign actors, and it seems that the aesthetic level is the same.
The second two episodes of the play were reversed, and the style changed from cautious to funny and dark humor. I once doubted whether the director had changed. War is a good thing for the male protagonist. War makes righteous people evil, and it also makes rational people tear their masks and face their hearts. The character of the male protagonist is as great a reversal as the plot, which makes the film better than my surprise and enriches the connotation. What does the soldier in the trench who looks like the second female figure indicate? The second woman looks like a man? Thought Benny was going to pounce on the male soldier.

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