"No matter what happens in the future, please don't regret meeting me"

Destin 2022-12-03 05:30:21

Since I was eight years old, and after I entered the Japanese department of the university, I have never chased a Japanese anime as thoroughly as this drama. Provoking thoughtful thinking.

In the second season, after finishing high school, Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa got married and had a daughter, Xiaoxi, but they did not expect Nagisa to have a difficult childbirth. Okazaki first chose to escape reality because he was afraid of seeing his wife's shadow in Xiaoxi. , refused to raise him. After 5 years, he finally realized the difficulty of being a parent from a trip with his daughter, but he could not accept that his wife and daughter died one after another because of physical exhaustion... Said that this is a question to him by some people in the dream: "If you knew that the result of loving her might not be as good as you thought, would you insist on it?" Some people will indeed regret it as he did, "Why did I So stupid, to love her, and it will end in vain?!"

As everyone knows, the chance that people meet each other attracts each other with a probability of 1 in 100,000. What's more, every 1 in 100,000 is not necessarily mutual. Meeting is fate, and falling in love is also fate. Ploughing with pain, you will reap the harvest in the end. In the interaction with Nagisa Furukawa, Okazaki has grown from an ignorant and hopeless teenager to a responsible father, deeply aware of his ignorance when he was young, and knows where the next path will be. go. As Nagisa said, "No matter what happens in the future, please don't regret meeting me" is undoubtedly the best answer to this question. Back then, Bergley went to Guizhou to set up a school, built a hospital, opened up people's wisdom, improved rural customs, and encountered Distressed and died of typhoid fever, but I have never regretted it, because since I have invested in love, I will return it with love, even if I am surrounded on all sides. So I think that the miracle and perfect ending of Mitsuyu at the end is also the kindness that Okazaki Tomoya has paid to Nagisa over the years.

Be brave to love (support), young man! I've said that to myself time and time again. So, whether this drama is good or bad, everyone must know it, why not watch it to solve the knot? !

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