I need to work harder

Hillary 2022-12-27 11:56:25

In the first episode of the Toilets project, the idea was good but the cost was too high. In the second episode of Polio, tens of billions of dollars were invested, but it backfired, and there was no cure for the fundamental—human mind. In the third episode, Nuclear energy, the collaboration fell through. High pressure anti-monopoly investigation, attacked by cake...

Behind Bill's success are countless difficulties.

I quit?

Sometimes, you really do have to say, Let's give up. And sometimes, you have to just say, I need to work harder.

As the same engineering male, I can't give up and need to work harder!

Ultimately, it's not what you get or even what you give. It's what you become.

View more about Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates reviews