To our eternal youth

Makayla 2022-08-19 07:18:12

How should I put it, at 2:15 on June 26, 2012, I wrote these words in my house.
In the middle of the night, it really feels different.
With a big smile on his face, he saw the man I love over Flowers.
This is my three-month vacation after the college entrance examination, and
this is the youth I am enjoying, the passing away youth.

After the lyric is over, I still have to comment, the tricks in my eyes.
Kim Hyun Joong, the reason I started watching this movie, is also my favorite character: Yoon Ji Hoo.
Compared with Taiwan's, you win.
You let me see someone who really protects love, who is happy but struggling, who sacrificed for friendship, who has tried, who has worked hard, who has given motorcycles, given his back, given his shoulders, given the warmth of a hug Yes, touching, Yoon Ji Hoo.
Forgive me for so many prefixes, really, your character contains so much.
Yoon Ji Hoo, you make my heart hurt a bit, but you also admire it.
Kim Hyun Joong, you amaze me, make me forget that this is your debut, make me forget that you are only 23 years old, yet so mature. All I can see is your neat short hair, your sunny smile, your cyan beard, and the tenderness in your eyes.
sa la hei, i love you, Kim Hyun Joong, Yoon Ji Hoo.
I sincerely hope to spend the rest of my life in exchange for such a man.

Lee Min Ho, you let me see how domineering you are, and your self-respect.
Jin Fan, you let me see your cute little tiger teeth, the shining earrings in your left ear, your inner cry, you and Jiayi.
Han Caiying, you have shown me your maturity that is different from the youthful atmosphere of the hero Chunxiang. You have shown me how women change from 25 to 28. You have shown me how beautiful mature women can be.
Xia Zaijing, you made me see the handsomeness of a woman, and you made me admire and yearn for it.
Gu Junxi, your unforgivable, your encouragement, your character, your smile after Junbiao is fulfilled are also a relief to yourself, right?

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