Jiang Wen's movie is not as good as mahjong

Monroe 2022-11-22 22:46:58

What is a revolution? Revolution is to kill his grandmother's life.
Robbers kill, set fire, and steal money. Everyone understands that, so what is a revolution?
In the final analysis, the revolution is still murder, arson and money grabbing.
So what is the difference between a robber and a revolutionary?
Let me tell you, robbers are pure revolutionaries, pure men who stand to pee without turning corners, pure men who can throw mahjong crackles, and pure men who can use their thumbs to figure out what kind of flower mahjong is. .

After reading this legendary long story with no pee spots in the audience, I was really suffocated. After going to the toilet, Vance also disappeared with the rushing water.

The information given in Jiang Wen's film is too dense, the lines are too classic, and the classic makes people unable to remember the innumerable words. What can be remembered is limited to all kinds of things related to mahjong.

Horse-drawn train, hot pot, nine cakes, four cakes, rooster radio, jelly, goose, big brother, you know me...

This goose city is a hemp table. The opponents are Zhang Mazi and Huang Shilang. The two big families and Mad Bang are the ones who get along with each other. Playing mahjong means pushing your hands. You come and I go back and forth, arguing, intrigue, and cheating. In addition to winning and losing money, you have to talk nonsense. This is playing mahjong. Make jokes.

If you're complacent with a good hand, and downcast with a bad hand, then it's over.

Playing a movie is playing copying, copying a certain part of something that resonates with the creator and showing it to the audience, so that the audience also resonates, this film is a success. What everyone resonates most with is mahjong. In the era of no movie entertainment, 1.3 billion people, whether they have money or not, who will not be a new year? Who doesn't play mahjong during Chinese New Year? With this theme, the movie is half successful, and the rest is the big-name special effects stars and so on that the plot characters burn money.

Everything can be copied, only Zhang Mazi cannot. In mahjong terminology, Mazi represents nine cakes. Zhang Muzhi wears the mask of nine cakes and is nicknamed as “mazi”. Needless to say, such nonsense must have established his role and status as the pig's feet in his pig's feet.

Zhang Muzhi has no right or wrong. If you think he is righteous, his opponent is evil. If you think he is evil, his opponent is righteous. He is a pure manly revolutionary, and he is also a robber, so he does not represent justice. In the era of horse-drawn trains, he could not find justice, and justice was under house arrest, so he could only find the joy of life in mahjong. Laughing or crying may be the only way to let people know that you are still alive and able to catch your breath. The greatest injustice in the world is to have a good hand and not be able to do it.

But what does it represent justice? In the eyes of the people of Goose City, justice is revenge, robbing Huang Shilang, and sharing money.

This is Xiaomin's view of justice. Of course, this is only Xiaomin's. If you make him a rich man like Huang Shilang, let's see what their justice is. At that time, justice will become the protection of private property. Property is sacrosanct, and they will say "give money to the poor and spoil things".

Nothing to plant. So what if you rob Huang Shilang? Have you obtained the courage and means of Huang Shilang to make money?

What is Zhang Muzhi's justice? It is to win Huang Shilang's money with a bad hand, a fake county magistrate's seal and a gun.

In fact, there are two pure men in this film. One is Zhang Mazi, and the other is Huang Shilang. They are all people who realize their ideas with their own hands and brains.

Huang Shilang originally had a good hand, a local native, deep-rooted, rich and powerful, courageous and scheming, evil enough and cruel enough.

When he comes up, he touches a hidden gang six cake and kills Xiaoliu. The first to die, Xiao Liu, was not a pure master. He was instigated to open his abdomen to prove himself. He was pure, so pure, and a bird faded out of his eyes. He represents a considerable part of the sentimental, the part of the hairy children who were the first martyrs in the early days of the revolution, pitiful for their youthful years, and also a moment of silence for those hairy children who fought in those days.

Immediately after that, they played two eight cakes. This is the middle card that connects the previous and the next. Not to mention the second dead county magistrate's wife. She must have no less than 16 bullet holes on her body. She is the most suitable martyr. She went to the west side without any pain or itching. She didn't insist on being a prostitute. Although she was a county magistrate's wife, she was definitely dead in office, heroic!

Hu Wan, the name is good, and Hu is on the swastika, I think it is 80,000 or something. Huang Shilang buried a mournful breath, and looked at this boy with his eyes, as if there were some foreshadowings below, he was waiting for Hu this 80,000.

Hu Wan looked like a smart person. Smart people would do smart things, but they were always smart but were mistaken by smart people, and they lost their lives for being smart. I thought it was very interesting when he died. I thought Zhang Mazi was going to be a stupid high-level Daquan and asked Hu Wan to send a message, but the message was sent to Marx by Hu Wan, and Hu Wan naively thought he was going to let it go Let him go, is he a smart man better than a bald and obscene Mad Bon? People, old people and horses are very knowledgeable and know the rules of conduct. You can only blame yourself, it's stupid and naive.

At this point, Zhang Muzhi finally started to play cards. The original bad hand gradually began to have a clue. He was going to kidnap Huang Shilang, but he kidnapped the stand-in, just like a side seven pie, the card that was supposed to be demolished also got a score.

Then, the money is distributed to the people of Goose City, and the water is released to let the next family blow up, accumulating people's hearts. To say that the anti-counterfeiting Zhang Mazi lost the second child and Ma Debang, and asked Huang Shilang to suspend his cards again. However, growth comes at a price. A pure man will never regret playing poker. If you play it out, you will play it out. Playing mahjong, what you play is a state of mind. If you have to always be confident and win, you will be in your next mahjong tile.

Turning back to Goose City, the money, the drums, the guns, and the drums were all eaten and touched. On the last day, the old man ate dry and clean, and the only thing left to touch was the single biscuits. Riding a horse and shouting slogans, in the end, it was just a group of geese. It is not easy to win alone, not to mention that Huang Shilang also played two eight cakes, even those onlookers fishing around understand. Although Zhang Muzhi said that it is all yours to win, the odds of winning seem to be low.

At this point, the people next to them automatically avoided to watch this two-player mahjong. Whoever they want to win, of course Zhang Muzhi, because Huang Shilang has won a lot, everyone's view of justice is that the winner must lose all in the end to be considered justice. He won my money, I didn't win it back, I hope others will win it back, maybe we will share the walnut dates, how loyal I am.

As the saying goes, distance creates beauty. Taking advantage of everyone playing mahjong all night, drowsiness, drowsiness, tears, and snot, Zhang Muzhi buckled up the seven cakes as a substitute, pinched the three cakes below, and cheated Hu.

The so-called wall is pushed down by everyone, the card of cheating Hu was smashed into the miniature Great Wall bricks by countless hands before it could be seen clearly by everyone. Huang Silang knew that Zhang Mu was cheating Hu, but what could he do? If everyone wants him to lose, he has to lose. Because Zhang Muzhi said that if we win, it's all ours. Fraud Hu is also Hu. Zhang Muzhi even had the second half of the hu character in his throat, and countless enthusiastic revolutionary masses began to automatically lift the table to celebrate the success of the revolution.

The most eloquent and touching sentence said on the mahjong table is: If you win, it is yours, if you lose, it is mine. How to make a revolution? To learn to play mahjong, but also to learn when to say this sentence: if you win, it is yours, if you lose, it is mine.

So even if it's not what Jiang Wen said, you're going to pee, even if it's mine, we all have to watch the whole movie with a long piss.

Because Jiang Wen did not understand commercial entertainment movies, but mahjong. Sometimes, the movies are not as good as mahjong.

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