Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom

Barton 2022-09-27 02:47:57

I admit that I came to the movie because of the hero's face, but I didn't think of writing a movie review until I finished watching

this movie. This movie reminded me of Shunji Iwai's "All About Lily Zhou". After reading the novel, I no longer have the courage Going to the movies, fear, fear, cowardice, make me no longer dare to touch it a second time.
In the movie, there are only a pair of arrogant parents, a sensitive child, and a group of people who want to die but don't have the courage to die.
Who's to say that everyone in the suicide room really wants to die? The people in this room are just trying to find a kind of solace, a kind of original love and kindness of human nature. If a person wants to die, he will not make any preparations, jumping off the building, taking medicine, self-mutilating, a simple act can make his soul get the so-called redemption.
Sylwia, hated her and loved her, hated her for luring Dominik to death step by step, loved her and finally rushed out of the room to face her fragile heart. She cried as she watched Dominik say the words that were defrauding the drug, I'd rather believe she was feeling sorry for Dominik. She didn't want Dominik to die like her. In fact, in her heart, she also understood that there was something that everyone couldn't give up, but she didn't want to face it. Don't hate Sylwia, she's just a vulnerable child waiting to be redeemed.
Dominik, sensitive, fragile. For him, the people in the suicide room care for him like relatives, while the real parents are just objects that exist for their own interests and to give him a so-called good life. Rather than saying that the person in the suicide room gave him love, it is better to say that he was infatuated with the love that Sylwia gave him, like a family and a lover, she was an irreplaceable existence. In the end, he cried for his mother, he wanted to live, he cried out for help, but no one understood him, he died in pain, with guilt for his mother and love for Sylwia.
Dominik's parents, the mother told everyone about the final death. When watching everyone disappear one by one, the Sylwia in the mother's eyes is no longer the murderer who forced her son to death. They are the existence of their relatives and their own object to be learned. They understand how to truly love their children, but it's too late, life won't give you a chance to come back, everything is redeemed in time.
The director did not give us a happy ending, but stimulated us with the most intuitive pain, which may be the most perfect ending.

Finally, the actor's acting skills are really good, and every struggle and shouting deeply shocked me!

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Extended Reading

Suicide Room quotes

  • Dominik Santorski: I went to school, I walked through the corridor, I went past my class looking them all in the eyes, and I looked at that loser, and he just looked away.

    Sylwia: Was he scared?

    Dominik Santorski: Yes.

    Sylwia: Was he?

    Dominik Santorski: It was incredible. I was in total control of the situation. I was... I was... I can't describe it! I felt like an animal. Like... A murderer.

  • Dominik Santorski: They know nothing. They play pathetic, ridiculous parts in a hollow, ridiculous play.